2010 ! Thursday, December 31, 2009 My last day of 2009 was spent cleaning up my room and working. Nothing fanciful, no countdown parties, just sitting here in the comfort of my home, typing up my last post for 2009. Today after work, Acer came for a surprise visit at Pioneer Mall! Haha, I thought he was getting ready to go to town for countdown with the boys as we were texting at that time, but he appeared outside McDonald's, saying that he wants to give me a surprise (: He took me home after we had a coke and Mcflurry, which was why I was kind of late tonight! So summarising my 2009.. It was kind of a shitty year. This year flashed past without me realising nor figuring out much about everyth around me, which is probably why I just sat back and let everyth pile up, then finally crash down on me. No motivation I guess, to do anyth and move ahead. So I kept getting stuck and pacing on the spot. And then the year ended. And I got retained. I remember at the end of 2008, I wanted, with much determination, my 2009 to be a productive and fruitful one. Shit happened. I forgot my resolutions, so I kept none of it, seriously. I am not sure if the resolutions I made yesterday would become nothingness as well. For one, I stuck it onto the first page of my organiser so that I'd be constantly reminded of it. I found floorball, floorball found me. At the start everyth was really great, and I felt truly energised and excited at every training and PT. But son, I guess the strict training regime, and other stuffs, got me too jaded for a bit. I missed lots of trainings in a row, and I guess my skills suck some shit now. I'm really thinking, and thinking. Should I just leave the team? My skills are not really indispensable, so it's not like the team's loss if I just leave. But I also don't want to just leave like this, you knw? Before I even did something impressive for myself and for the team. I made my resolutions last night, and one of them is going to be that, I will never miss trainings without valid reason again, or I will just quit and stop giving everyone so much trouble to account for my presence. Before I figure out which is the way I am going to go, I guess I'll try to get over myself and go for trainings. This is really kind of a mish-mash, because I haven't really thought about what to post about. This year zoomed away without much happenings! I knew PW was a major shit in my life, and caused much displeasure. So glad it's over. 2009 is also the year I first started to work. Well, I sure knw now that working long-term is no easy feat, and I am dying to quit in just 2 short months. Of course the cash is what's kept me going. But I am also glad to say that, despite everyth, I stayed for as long as I said I would, not one day short. K, I have a bad headache, and I really feel this is a lousy year-ender. But this is all I can manage! I am even too lazy to upload photos haha. I shall really, become a better person, you knw? No joke. HAPPY 2010 LOVELIES! New blog from 2010, from NOW. http://astep-ahead.blogspot.com 2009... I confess that in 2009, I have… () Stayed single for the whole year ( ) Made out in/on a car ( ) Kissed in the snow ( ) Celebrated Halloween ( ) Kissed in the rain (x) Had your heart broken (x) Broke someone else’s heart (x) Had a stalker (Kind of...) (x) Went over the minutes on your cell phone (x) Had a good relationship with someone () Someone questioned your sexual orientation ( ) Gotten pregnant ( ) Had an abortion (x) Have a relationship with someone you’ll never forget (x) Done something you’ve regretted () Lost faith in love ( ) Kissed under a mistletoe OTHER () Painted a picture ( ) Wrote a poem (x) Ran a mile ( ) Shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch (x) Posted a blog (x) Listened to music you couldn’t stand (and liked it!) ( ) Went to a sleepover ( ) Went camping () Threw a surprise party (x) Laughed till you cried ( ) Laughed till you peed in your pants (x) Visited a foreign country (x) Cut in a line of waiting people (x) Told someone you were busy when you weren’t ( ) Partied to celebrate the new year (working tonight..) (x) Cooked a disastrous meal (x) Lost something/someone important to you In 2009 I… (x) Broke a promise (x) Lied (x) Went behind your parents back (x) Cried over a broken heart (x) Disappointed someone close (x) Hid a secret (x) Pretended to be happy ( ) Slept under the stars ( ) Kept your new years resolution (kept none, more like..) (x) Forgot your new years resolution (that's why I kept none of it!) (x) Met someone who changed your life ( ) Met one of your idols (x) Changed your outlook on life (x) Sat home all day doing nothing (x) Pretended to be sick (x) Left the country (x) Almost died (x) Given up something important to you ( ) Lost something expensive (x) Learned something new about yourself (x) Tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it (x) Made a change in your life (x) Found out who your true friends were (x) Met great people (x) Stayed up till sunrise (x) Cried over the silliest thing (x) Was never home on weekends ( ) Got into a car accident (x) Had friends who were drifting away from you (x) Had someone close to you die (x) Had a high cell phone bill (x) Spent most of your money on food (spent ALL of my money on food..) ( ) Had a fist fight ( ) Went to the beach with your bf/gf (x) Saw a celebrity (x) Gotten sick ( ) Liked more than 5 people at the same time ( ) Became closer with a lot of people From Yunrou! :D Year-ender soon. Haven't been updating for a few days, probably because I don't have much in particular to post about. And things haven't been going great. Well, been to the abyss and back, hope things are going to get better from here. Anyw my mum bought me a new digital camera yesterday. I have been wanting one for awhile but I didn't have the cash and stuff. So since I've got my second payslip (500 bucks!) I was looking around the cameras at Giant. There aren't many choices there but I suppose it's good enough. The other cameras sold at Courts are like much more expensive. So I bought mine at Giant for 159 bucks (my mum paid with her 10% staff discount). It's Fujifilm A220 12.2 megapixels. I suppose it's good enough for me! My previous family camera is also Fujifilm (I think), which sucks balls. It's like 2 megapixels and has a screen smaller than my phone's. Other random shots (with my phone cam): It's already 31st December, goodness how time flies. I've just worked, slacked, shopped my days away. Tmr's 2010 already. Time for some resolutions making. I will post my year-ender hopefully before I go off to work tmr, or I might not be in time for 12mn! I'm still struggling to get over myself for some things. And I might make some decision which will change my life in some ways. Shall not talk too much. Will be saved for tmr night! New clique so gay! Friday, December 25, 2009 Hello friends, I noticed that the form of my Cbox is currently down. Which might be why there are no tags for me, not that that many people would tag either way. Today is Christmas day, and I haven't texted anyone season's greetings, haha. So MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my friends and loved ones. May better times lie ahead (: So today, I dressed up nicely (like really nicely for my standards) to attend a Christmas Service by CHC at Expo which Jieren invited us (Sharm, Wenyi) to. Before that, I dropped by Giant to hand my manager my present for the gift exchange which I couldn't attend. The Service was pretty good. Caroling, drama and erm, preaching. Don't want to elaborate too much. I did enjoy myself but now I should prepare myself for calls/texts from them for more erm, preaching. Well anyw, I might become a believer one day. But not now. And I will find my faith through true meaning and not by others' persistent preaching. Afterward, went to town with Acer briefly and we bought each other Xmas presents. Could only stay for awhile because I had to go for Xmas dinner at my Grandma's place. The meal was good and I came home and found that the present I got from Giant is quite a nice ornamental candle holder from Kumar. Shall thank him tmr. Last 6 days at Giant, of which 2 are off days. Work at 7am tmr, goodness. I shall turn in early tonight. :) Thursday, December 24, 2009 I just returned from 5N's Christmas party at Calvin's place, and it was so good (: We didn't really do any super-fun things but just sat and chatted, ate, watched TV, chilled basically. I feel really happy after the party and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves! We had great laughs over the baby photos that our classmates provided, and gift exchange was cool too. I got a cute tin of Famous Amos cookies from Shixian (: Yunrou got my Disney frosty cup. I like the cup, it's cute, hope she likes it too! Then we took class photos. The security guard is so nice and cute too. After taking 2 shots for us, he suddenly said "Candid!" And all of us scrambled around to position ourselves, haha. We gave him some of our food which we really could not finish and he quite unwillingly accepted it, haha. We still had lots of food left and I brought half the turkey home, much to my brother's delight. Sat around and chatted more with the class while Calvin's mum was helping us to clean up the fondue machine. His family had really been a great help to us and I am sincerely grateful to them. We managed to decorate the place to look quite cool too (: Pictures are with Wenyi and Kexin. Might post some up after they uploaded it. Today was great fun! Tmr I am going to town (again) for shopping trip with Sharman and Wenyi. Hopefully I can buy nice clothes tmr. I don't think I'll buy my $45.90 black&gold bag. I feel like I've spent a lot recently and this month's payslip is going to be a bit short of 500 bucks ): I will buy both my brothers something for Christmas and give my parents $100 each. Hope that tmr will be a good day with good finds. Anyw, Sylvia don't feel guilty alr ba haha, I knw you didn't do it on purpose. I'm still contemplating what to do now... Goodnight! [edit] Here's our 5N class photo at the party! Kexin's quick in uploading them all to Facebook! ![]() [/edit] More rantings Monday, December 21, 2009 Life sucks a fuck. Indian customers are really the irritating ones sometimes, y'knw? Even my mother agrees. 1st Scenario: Yesterday there was an Indian woman rifling through our already very messed-up towels. I almost went mad trying to make everyth neat again. She needs to open up every neatly folded towel in every colour available and then throw it back after she decided she doesn't want it. She chose an orange one and slung it over her shoulder, then continued the rifling, unfolding and tossing them back. What the shit, all the towels are the same, it's not like there are patterns or anyth AT ALL on them, they are just completely plain towels in different colours lor. But then, that was still okay, because I knw many customers are just so strange and stuff. And I was damn relieved when she finally walked away. But she headed to another towel section and messed the whole damn place up, wtf. Then still never mind, the worst thing was that she came back after walking infinite rounds in the towel section and came to my neatly folded pile and asked, "Can I have this?" She was pointing to another identical orange towel to the one slung over her shoulder. NOT EVEN DIFFERENT COLOUR OKAY! Seeing no response from me, she self service and took it away, throwing the one over her shoulder back into the wagon. WHAT. THE. HOLY. FUCK. My first reaction to her question was, "I can say no meh?" Next question that came to my head and was one second from escaping my lips, "What's the difference with this one and the one over your shoulder?" Thinking better of it, I decided to have no response. Fucking irritating and stupid, no? Mcnuggets. 2nd Scenario: Today before facing time, me and my colleagues were trying to rearrange the soft toys section to clear 2 wagons up for other display. Then we had to arrange all the same soft toys to the same racks, because previously they were scattered and all over the place (thanks to all these customers lor, thanks). We were very busy the whole time, and haven't had the chance to change the position of the price tags to the respective soft toys yet. Then, this Indian woman asked me about the price of a particular bear. I scanned and told her, "$19.99" She had the nerve to point at the sign "$1.99" and ask me "Not $1.99? Here write $1.99" And gave me an awkward smile like I am the idiot who doesn't knw what's going on. Goodness, let me tell you. That bear she picked up was about as big as her toddler at her feet. Repeat: Toddler, not baby okay. Like so fucking big sell at $1.99? If there are such good deals under the sun I probably don't need to work at Giant and serve stupid people with no common sense like this lor. Zzz. And most importantly, I really cannot stand it, and hate it when customers complain that the things are very messy here, or when the goods are not placed to their proper price tags. For fuck's sake, I am not the one messing things up. One Malay woman came and complain that we should separate our long sleeve and short sleeve shirts properly because mix together very hard to tell. Wah, I mix them up one wor. I take them out of their plastic wrapper and look at it then throw back anyhow one lor. I take the clothes hanging on racks, try them on and throw it into wagons when they don't fit one lor. I take the M&Ms from grocery dept and leave them in a wagon of camisoles one lor. Siao ah all of you. Don't blame us when you are the ones doing all the shit la. I even seen condoms lurking in a pile of towels lor. Anyw I was in a really shit bad mood today, because of fuck knws what. Then there's this auntie, I KNW THIS AUNTIE, she like kind of ..mad? Every time come and talk nonsense to me. Last time she came and told me the blouse we sell are very expensive, she can make them herself. Goodness, what are you still doing talking with me here? You have a blouse to make! Today, she talked to me at 9.55pm, which was 5 minutes from closing time. I am tired and hungry, and most of all annoyed because it was so busy today. Then she went to the kids' jeans section and ask me "Why these so cheap ah?" in Mandarin. So I said "Those are for little kids one." Then she say she can wear because her figure also quite small. Okay, her figure is small, I'll give her her due. But the jeans are like size 10-17? Her waist small also not small until so kuazhang ba? So I said "Your waist got 17 only meh?" because I was really annoyed at her ridiculousness. Then she say "Those adult one always put so big size, put so many also nobody want to buy! Only fat people can wear but fat people also don't want to buy!" I felt like I could die, but I decided to save some breath. Luckily Yanli came and told me it's time to knock off. I have exactly one week more of working days, and all of this shit will be over. I will collect my paycheck (totals $1000+) and GO SPEND THEM. And say goodbye to all of these annoying customers. Rantings Saturday, December 19, 2009 I have ran out of photos to post. I am also getting sick of waiting around for things to happen. My biggest nightmare come true would be if someone just told me that I am advancing instead of retaining next year. As I told my friends, I would whip out my Giant penknife and stab whoever the person is, unlucky enough to be the one relaying the message to me. This worry is because nobody from the school authorities actually sent me any official confirmation that I am being retained. Even though my father did tell Mdm So that I am persistent on retaining, and she did not object to it. And we discussed my subject combination and so forth. More than half of December is already gone. I remember on 2nd December I told myself I'm going to start studying. Now half a month flew past and I've done shit. I just can't get going. Even when I arrange a study date with my friends, I just end up stoning and sleeping and everyth but studying. I don't have enough determination. What the fuck am I supposed to do to get me going? Please, tell me if you knw. I am sick of going to IVLE everyday to check if 2010 year 5 classes are out yet, before, during, and after their upgrade. I am not that interested in finding out about my prospective classmates, I don't give a damn to tell the truth. They could be the most popular kid, the notorious bitch, whatever. I just want to knw if my name is in there, anywhere, at all to confirm the fact that I am retained. Because something is making me feel like I am not going to see my name, I don't knw why. Goodness, what the hell is taking so long for it to come out. I hope after everyth, this is all going to be worth it one day. ---- Okay, enough about those. Now about work. All my friends at Giant are leaving. Acer already left, Junxiong resigned this morning (!), today is Binsing's last day, and Wenyi will stop work after Sunday. What am I still doing hanging around?! Honestly, it's not that about my friends quitting that make me feel like quitting too. It's like, I guess I had enough of this retail experience. It had been enjoyable of course, but much too tiring and too many idiots to deal with out there. Now that JX is gone without warning, the work is only going to double. Guess what? Tmr is Saturday, which means work ends at 11pm. FML. After my two off days, now I have to deal with working for one week straight till my next off comes on Christmas day. By that time, my Giant career will be ending real soon. It all seems so near yet so far. One day down, 6 more to go. Yes, maybe I will do studying tmr. Maybe. I knw I won't end up studying. ---- When next year everyth becomes different, we will look back and start to hope we'd done some things a different way. |
Profile ![]() Sinyee. 17. Headstrong Wants a day of extensive retail therapy, good food and fun. Tagboard @astep-ahead.blogspot.com (: others 2Complicated '06 <33. Hapsburg! RVFBT! RVTT. Ariel. Ayesha. Beishan. ChenTao. ChingXin. Chiouyih. Eileen. Irene. Jaslin. Jasmine. Jennings. Junhao. Kailin. Matthias. Michelle. Mingjie. Pei Qi. Peishi. Rachel. Sara. Sharman. Shaun. Sherry. Shiyuan. Sinyee. Sylvia. TayLin. Tzeteng. Weikai. Winnie. Xinyu. Yanjie. Yeejin. YingYing. Yuhong. Yunrou. Yunyi. Zhijun. Blogskins. Imageshack. Imeem. Mixpod. Photobucket. Archives Credits Layout : Janani. Inspiration : Daphne. Icon : black-balloonxx. Lyrics : The Climb. |