Ever so conflicting Friday, July 31, 2009 The weekends had finally rolled around for me to have a proper update. I thought I wouldn't make it through the week because it had been such a hectic one of constant homework rushing, with less than 5 hours of sleep almost every night. I just saw that the dark circles around my eyes are getting increasingly obvious. I seriously look like a wreck out of a TV show. Need to be sleeping alot more than I am now if I want to get rid of these ugly looking things. Anyw, I'm just going to be updating random things in this post, whatever I can remember, with no order whatsoever. Too tired to bother about much. So, anyw. This week's been absolutely crazy. It feels like I have something to rush out every single night, and they are all a different something. Been especially doing alot of history, and losing alot of sleep over history. Also, there was EoM (which was sort of rejected), GP essay and other homework to complete. No matter, I managed to pull through and completed all of them within deadline. This week had also been extremely patriotic, since we were made to sing 'My People, My Home' twice every single morning since Monday. For god's sake, and for crying out loud. All the things you say each morning feels funny to me. I am 17 years old, and I have known this song since I was maybe, five. If I still can't get a few lines of lyrics right after all these years of community singing, which they so adore doing, then I probably never will! And anyw, who is actually interested to challenge you. We are all too busy with better things to do than outsing or outroar you. Had an inspiring talk by our co-form during Wednesday's champs lesson. Now 'behind' is the new word for the class. And may we have the fact that time is running out sink in and start intense revision soon. Including myself of course. Though I really don't knw how do I start on revision, when it is so hard to complete homework alone. All the subject teachers are stuffing us with work up to our eyeballs, and cramming in extra lessons whenever possible. It's starting to wear me out, because we no longer have any early days where we can go home early and have more rest. But I knw that's the way things are. Shall talk mostly about today. Had phototaking sessions for floorball and 5N. Both were rather alright I guess, floorball posed for a totally cool informal shot and 5N too. Many of us agreed on doing my 100-watt smile for the informal shot, haha. Though it looks kind of unglam, actually make that very unglam. But I hope we had fun still! Anyw, I had wanted to post about the strange man we saw on the bus today, and the old lady selling tissue paper on the overhead bridge. But decided against it. I'm feeling so drained out now man. Most importantly, I would like to make something clear to some fucked up people out there who are so darn self-righteous: Please, you shut the hell up and mind your own business. Because you are doing everyth that you are complaining about. All the better if you knw I'm talking about you. Please don't feel so self-satisfied at the comments you made. You are in every way exactly the same as what you made such a big fuss about. Maybe you are used to people taking orders from you or whatever, but I guess you should come out of your little bubble where you rule your little empire, with a population of about, three. I don't take joy in flaming people who are not worth it, or won't read it, but i guess you deserve some honourable mention (in case you stalk my blog). I don't blame you for not knwing this already but, I control my mouth, same as you do to yours, which is why I did not tell you to fuck lost the moment you started being self-righteous. So shoot me if I said something you dislike. And lastly, good luck in your pursuit of good grades for what you strongly believe in. Hope it isn't as far out of your reach as Pluto is from Earth. I hope your faith can bring you through. But don't worry if it doesn't. My words are always here to mock you. Oh, on a last note, it's perfectly alright for you to read this, figure out what I'm saying and try to form some party to purge me. Or whatever. Like I have the time to bother. Just done with my history essay and sent it out. I'm three hours before deadline, lol. Now, for my 2 hours of sleep =/ Sometimes I really hate history so much. Behind Wednesday, July 29, 2009 The first thing to say when I wake up in the morning: "Behind". One day, I'll wake up and say "In front". Slightly more motivated. It feels good to knw that someone actually gives a damn to whether we live or die. And I hope the fact sinks in after today. Behind, that's what the truth is. 125 hours? Hell it's not gna be enough. Monday, July 27, 2009 Hi, I'm blogging while eating my dinner now. The past weekend has been hectic to the max with me desperately trying to finish my work, but to no avail because I keep getting stuck at dear history, then having no mood to proceed on to other subjects. Last night was crazy chionging of my EoM, and then history presentation for today. Stayed up trying to squeeze some crap out of territorial security of Israel and finally slept at near 2.30am. And I woke up totally late today, so I rushed all around, leaving home with not a single cent in my wallet -.- And the presentation passed in like, 2 seconds. With no words spoken zzz. I've just done my revised history essay plan and will continue doing my GP essay after I finish dinner. Feeling totaly messed up man. I don't knw what I want. Sunday, July 26, 2009 It's been a tiring day at training.. Too long didn't train le, but my skills didn't drop too much. Suffering from aches and pains from PT and PE from yesterday. It's seriously a bad idea to have both on the same day in a span of about 2 hours.. Zzz.. Now everywhere that can ache is aching. After today, I guess I found out that I still love this thing I do. Maybe I won't just give up so easily. Maybe at the end of the day I will really become stronger mentally. So I've come to terms with myself such that it's a win-win situation. Though today wasn't productive, but I guess I should go for another try. I mean, what's the best I can do now? I'm trying to make the best out of everyth. This is proving to be so hard and so tiring. But I've got to keep up with everyth. For now, what I need is sleep, and hope I wake up to a better tmr. Goodnight. Thursday, July 23, 2009 Just a few things to say before I go off to do all my overdue homework. I need to have some self-control. Even though I still don't knw what I want about it right now.. I'm feeling too frustrated too much all the time now. Can somebody tell me why things always have to go wrong? It seemed like the perfect thing for me at the start. And look what happened. I don't really want to point fingers, so it's better if I just shut up. I want to stop feeling like I'm doing things against my own will. I don't owe anyone anyth. Stop acting like this. I don't need any sympathy or any care or concern from anyone. I am fine the way it is. Stop thinking I'm falling apart just because of this. I'm just waiting for the end to come. My world is coming to an end.. Tuesday, July 21, 2009 I feel so tired, so very tired. And I am still sick. Not getting any better because I can't get enough rest. Nothing helps anyth. I guess I really need a break, but it isn't coming. Okay, so I skipped PT today without informing anyone. So I did it because my legs and shoulders and back were aching like crazy from the 10 rounds I ran on Monday. So I was wrong. So I got banned from training tmr, so I deserve it. Enough said. I am just getting so, so, sick of all this going on and on. It won't ever stop and give me peace. It constantly reminds me of my source of pain. I just want to say that I don't care anymore, it doesn't even matter. I don't have what it takes, and I don't care. So what do you want to do to me now? I held back at the start because I knw it isn't nice to be like this. But accept it! Things have changed! I accept the fact that I have NO whatsoever passion you guys always like to talk about. I dislike the way things are. So you can think I'm difficult. And it isn't like I am out there to please every single one. So, think whatever you like. See if I care. For fuck's sake. The work I am owing is piling up into shitloads and I am still struggling to complete them everyday. So everyone has the same things to do. But so what, I have the choice, and I DON'T want to do it. Still thinking that is more important? Sorry, but I can only explain that we have different priorities. So, just take me out and scram somewhere and never let me hear anyth again. My PW topic changed again. Time and again, she gave us hope but snatched it out of our hopeful grasps and smashed it across the floor. I feel somewhat frustrated. After so long, we're still circling on the spot. Not making progress. I knw this is not anybody's fault. But I am just so sick of everyth, all the shit that I keep getting from everyone around me. The constant yakking voices I hear in class that just WON'T STOP no matter how hard you shushed them, the stupid people all around who insist on this and that and act like complete freaks and wouldn't get off my case. All the idiots drowning me in their incessant POVs that I give no shit to. Hey, give me a break. I am a human too, and I'm not Superwoman. I can't take two people's load of emotional turmoil all in one night and still carry on doing my work. I was as affected when you say something, but when you just run off like this. Have you given a shit to how I feel? Why am i always obliged to do things I don't want to? Why do people think it is okay for me to do it? Do I have a choice? When you come here and enforce your own thinking and mindset on me, then running off? Do you think that is right? I live for no one. Not you, not my academics, not floorball. Not anyth but myself. And I do what I like. So please, stop thinking all the wrong things and all the obligations you think I am responsible for or commited to. So do whatever you like. Because I really don't give a fucking damn to anyth anymore. Honestly. I can just quit and make all your lives less miserable. Goodbye, don't come by anymore because I don't have nice things to say to you. Hello there Saturday, July 18, 2009 Ohmy, look at the time now. Apparently me and Teochew Ahpek are still up complaining about life ;) Going to be doing work with Shanmu (the mouse) and Teochew Ahpek tmr. MUST BE PRODUCTIVE because I promised to be. So, I didn't go to school today like I said. I didn't do productive things either, having slept in till 9+ in the morning then proceeded to playing Facebook games. I wonder why the school never calls me up when I'm absent. Do they still do that now? Or maybe I'm too well-behaved they knw no need to call me. My mum snorted at that. "You call yourself well-behaved?!" Okay, fine anyth. I got my AI-Conflict slides copied out, and that's the only academic related thing I did today, other than reading my Ionic Equilibrium notes, since fp says the lecture today was very difficult. Of all days, a day when I'm not there! Now I'm bound to start losing track D: Went out to jp in the evening to meet fp, supposedly for him to teach me Ionic Equilibrium over dinner. But we forgot about it. So.. never mind I'll have to handle it on my own. Lots of homework this weekend. I feel super, bloody, freaking, batshit overwhelmed. But hey, start of something new! After I failed my math (15/85), chem (43/100) and history (24/50), then passing econs (27/55) and GP (25/50).... I feel like if I want to retain I can go on slacking because I really will.. Life seems bleak, but I hope it gets better. Busy weekend though. Anyw, I am in a dilemma of morals. I took money from my mum the other day because I had to pay for class funds and stuff, but she only had a 50-dollar bill. I returned her 17 bucks from my wallet and am supposed to give back 18 bucks still. It's lying in my wallet now, and she doesn't seemed to have missed it. 18 FREAKING BUCKS. Keep or give back? Sian. It's so tempting because I am so broke but I knw it's wrong.. So far, 2 people have told me to keep it -.- And they are all that I asked. (: Thursday, July 16, 2009 Still feeling sick. Actually I'm feeling sicker than I did yesterday. My nose didn't stop running/blocking for the whole day and I swear it's so irritating I just want to pull my nose out or something. Ps ah, all the people around me who kept hearing funny noises from my nose =x Lessons today were alright, even though I was so freaking tired from sleeping late last night. But I didn't fall asleep in the 2 hours of math, nor chem tutorial and econs lecture. After school decided to go and sleep in the library, but it was too cold tehre I couldn't sleep for long. So I tried to do my essay. But ended up playing Vincent's iPhone. Had chem extra lesson. I failed my chem paper, subpass. Don't knw what to say. Anyw, after school, I went to Harbourfront Pastamania to wait for fp to be released from class. I had to place the order first in order to have the students' discount. Then when the pasta was served, and he was still not there, I tried to use something to cover the pasta so it wouldn't turn cold so fast. But I had nothing appropriate and it looked dumb ._. Had a good meal and walked around Vivo, then second round of pigging out at Ben&Jerry's! Had a change of plans, didn't eat at Swenson's because we were too lazy to travel all over the place. The ice cream as so...chocolatey because he ordered 2 scoops of chocolate flavour and one cookie dough. Went to change the size of the sneakers I bought for him because they were too small. Almost couldn't get the right size. Had to go to jp for it, and it wasn't the nice colour I bought at first.. Oh well, better than nothing! Then had a Caramel frappe from Mccafe :D And then went home. Feeling damn sick now. Still blocked nose and sore throat. Not going to school tmr. Sian I am going to miss my Ionic Equilibrium lecture D: Aiya nvm, I shall mug at home after I've slept enough. I'm not planning to go watse my morning in the queue of a polyclinic la, consultation everytime 5 minutes only.. Alright that's all, I have no photos to post, or more like I can't post it. You knw what I mean la huh. Okay then. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ACER LIOW! :D 17 liao still act like a kid, haha =p Goodnight everyone. Sick Tuesday, July 14, 2009 I feel sick. My throat has been feeling sore and dry all day. And my nose is blocked most of the time. It's so irritating. Am I catching some virus spreading around school? Wasn't able to sleep well last night because of this. Woke up at 2am to a giant sneeze. And when I next woke up 3.5 hours later, it felt like 2 seconds has passed only. Damn tired today and unable to concentrate in almost all the lessons. I dislike this. Didn't do any work since I came back. Because I don't feel well? Haha, excuse. My PW need to change the whole topic because the previous one wasn't feasible. I feel very upset but we all knw it is for the better. Now must chiong to catch up with everyth and also to do EoM. Need to be superwoman. Am feeling stressed. I have no idea why my brother still wants to turn on the air-con when it's not even hot. Zzz.. Monday, July 13, 2009 I am working towards my goal. Passed econs, miraculously. But I failed history by one mark. I must have done really badly since the majority passed. Maybe I'm the only one who failed? Don't wna think about it. But I am approaching my goal, and passing econs is my first step. Albeit it is just a 50 on-the-dot pass, it's better than the previous grade I suppose. I refuse to believe that I am not good enough. And maybe passing the test this time is showing that hard work does pay off. My friends, don't give up. It might just happen when you least expect it, so don't stop trying! I will not accept things as it is. I am not stupid, and am capable of far more than I am achieving. And just by receiving a few lousy grades for papers I didn't even really put in my 100%, is no proof that it is my ability (this is not an excuse for me to be self-delusional). I knw this because I have done it before, so I can do it now again. Motivation comes because I want to get better, because there is something worth working for, and because I am challenging my own stupidity. Because there is someone to catch up to. Things are looking up, because 1. I've finally done my PW GPP draft 2 2. Ionic Equilibria is fun :D 3. I have an idea for GP essay 4.I passed econs 5. History is getting better THINGS WILL GET BETTER. Sunday, July 12, 2009 Today is a happy day (: For a start, I slept waaayyyy past my alarm and had to call to rearrange the time to meet because apparently my mother still has chores for me to do before I can leave. Anyhow, went to Bugis today with fp. When we were going up from the basement, some guy from NUM handed me a card which says there is a special promotion at NUM today, 50% off with purchase of any 2 items. And with this, me and fp got ourselves each a pair of havaianas! I bought gold and he bought white, both are nice colours :D And the salesperson from NUM asked for my opinion to buy which colour for his friend and which colour looks nicer with the diamond stud on it. Haha so funny. Um, forgetting the fact that I owe him like a million bucks now.... ![]() This is me and my stupid face. After that we went to have a walk at Illuma. Heard from many that it's a boring place. But fp and I found some interesting concept shops to make us happy. The arcade there is so huge and full of those kiap kiap machines lol. Had fun watching people play and waste money lol... After walking around and around my legs got tired in my blackies. We went to West Mall for dinner, god knws why! ![]() This is my dinner, or whatever is left of the duck rice haha. Then we walked around and left for home. I've compiled my GPP draft 2, like finally. And am in search of an article for my EoM. Monday is a dreadful day, because it drags on and on. But hopefully, tmr will be an exception ;) ![]() Here's my gold havaianas for you :D Er, when I came back and put it on again, I realised that my skin colour was so similar to it. Should have gotten silver or grey or chocolate or nude or BLAH. All of them are nice colours. But I love my goldie yaye (: Goodnight :D Saturday, July 11, 2009 ![]() Reasons to be happy (: Here to update some non-chinese non-emo post. Nothing much about today. Went to Pioneer Mall macs with Wenyi to do some homework. Only did some econs and GP reading.. Then I went to Sakura to eat with my family! Didn't take any pictures, because I was too busy eating lol. I was the last one to stop eating, what a surprise! Now my parents will finally believe that I have a hugeass stomach, as quoted by Wenyi. Feeling troubled by PW, and lots of other homework to worry about. I don't have much to post about today, so will put up some long-overdue photos. ![]() LOL read the letters on the butterfly's wings. ![]() Kuku fron studying, Wenyi dragged me to hell. 令我生命悲惨的理由 (click to enlarge) ![]() Why is my face looking bigger and fatter -.- ![]() fp says: Before studying - normal. ![]() After studying - cock-eyed. Hahaha. Out with fp tmr! :D And then school starts alll over again. I have yet to do my chem bonding assignment :o Aiya who cares. [edit] Found this on Yunrou's blog and it's quite amusing haha. Dear (someone you with whom you have recently spoken), I don't really know how to tell you this, (1). I think I realized it (2) (3) and I saw you (4)(5) . I'm sure you're (6) enough to understand (7). I'm returning (8), but I'll keep (9) as a memory. You should also know that I (10) and that (11). (12), Your name 1) What's the color of your shirt? Blue - I'm in love with your cat Red - Our affair is over White - I’m joining the Convent Black - Our romance is over Green- Our socks don't match Grey - You're a leprechaun Yellow - I'm selling myself for candy Pink - Your nostrils are insulting Brown - The mafia wants you No shirt - You're mean Other - I dislike your eyelashes 2) Which is your birth month? January - That night you picked your nose February -When I quoted Forrest Grump March - When your dwarf bit me April - When I tripped on peanut butter May - When I threw up in your sock drawer June - When you put cuffs on me July – When you smacked my ass August - When I saw the purple monkey September - Last year when you peed in your pants October - When we skinny dipped in the bathtub November - When your dog humped my leg December - When I finally changed my underwear 3) Which food do you prefer? Tacos - In your apartment Lasagna- In your car Pasta - Outside of your office Hamburgers - Under the bus Salad – As you were eating Kraft Dinner Chicken - In your closet Kebab - With Jean Chrétien Fish - In a clown suit Sandwiches - At the Elton John concert Pizza - At the mental hospital Hot dog - Under a street light Annat- With George Bush and Stephen Harper 4) What's the color of your socks? Yellow - Ignore Red - Put whipped cream on Black - Hit on Blue - Knock out Purple - Pour syrup on White - Carve your initials into Grey - Pull the clothes off Brown - bit of Orange - Castrate Pink - Pull the pants off of Barefoot - Sit on Other - Drive over 5) What's the color of your underwear? Black - My boyfriend White - My father Grey – The Catholic Priest Brown – The Montreal Canadian’s goalie Purple - My corned beef hash Red – My knee caps Blue - My salt-beef bucket Yellow - My illegitimate child in Ghana Orange - My Blink 182 CD Pink – Your ‘My Little Pony’ collection None – My prized statue of Michael Jackson in the nude Other --The elephant in the corner 6) What do you prefer to watch on TV? One Tree Hill - Senile Heroes - Frostbitten Lost - High Simpsons - Cowardly The news - Scarred American Idol - Sexy Family Guy - Open Top Model - Middle-class Annat - shamed 7) Your mood right now? Happy - How awful you are Sad - How boring you are Bored - That I get turned on only by garbage men Angry - That your smell makes me vomit Depressed – That we’re related Excited - That I may pee my pants Nervous - The middle-east is planning their revenge on you Worried - That your Ford sucks Apathetic - That you need a sex-change Ashamed - That I'm allergic to your earlobes Cuddly - That Santa doesn't exist Silly - That there is no solution to you being a dumb kid Other - That your driving sucks 8) What's the color of your walls in your bedroom? White - Your toe ring Yellow - Your love letters to me Red - The pictures from Vegas Black - Your pet rock Blue - The couch cushions Green - Your car Orange - Your false teeth Brown - Your nose hair clippers Grey - Our matching snoopy underwear Purple - Your old New Kids on the Block blanket Pink - The cut toenails Other - Your Hannah Montana underwear 9) The first letter of your first name? A/B - My virginity C/D - Your photo with the moustache drawn on it E/F - Your neighbour’s dog G/H - The oil tank from your car I/J - Your left ear K/L - The results of that blood-sample M/N - Your glass eye O/P - My common sense Q/R - Your mom S/T - Your collection of butterflies U/V - Your criminal record W/X – Your suicide note Y/Z - Your credit cards 10) The last letter in your last name? A/B - Told my psychiatrist about the bruises C/D - Always will remember the pep talks E/F -Never will forget that night G/H – Hate your cooking I/J – Mocked you behind your back constantly K/L - Will tell the authorities that you did not steal that whale in the back yard M/N - Told in my confession today about the moose poaching O/P - Was interviewed about the car you stole Q/R - Always wanted to break your legs S/T - Get sick when I think of your feet U/V - Will try to forget that you broke my heart W/X - Haven’t showered in a month Y/Z – am better off without you 11) What do you prefer to drink? Wine- Our friendship is ruined Soft drink – I’m off to lead a new life as a lemon Soda – I will haunt you when I’m reincarnated as an Eskimo Milk - The apartment building is on fire Water – I'm scratching my ass as you read this Cider– I have a passionate interest for mice Juice – You ruined my attempts at another world war Mineral water – You should get that embarrassing rash checked Hot chocolate – Your cucumber fetishism is weird Whiskey - I love Oprah Winfrey Beer – Thanks for the Cocaine Other – you should stop picking your nose 12) To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation? Thailand – Warm tingly sensations Australia - Best of luck on the sex change France - Love always Spain - With tears of sadness China – You make me sick Germany – Please don’t hurt me Japan - Go milk a cow Greece - Your everlasting enemy USA - Greetings to your frog Egypt – Kiss my butt England - Go drown yourself Dear X, I don't really know how to tell you this, I'm in love with your cat. I think I realized it when I threw up in your sock drawer outside of your office and I saw you sit on my illegitimate child in Ghana . I'm sure you're frostbitten enough to understand that you need a sex-change. I'm returning your car, but I'll keep your collection of butterflies as a memory. You should also know that I never will forget that night and that I'm off to lead a new life as a lemon. Go drown yourself, Your name. [/edit] Goodnight my friends! Overwhelming Tuesday, July 7, 2009 今天天空有点灰... 想东想西也想不出一个所以然来, 我是不是不该再想了呢? 有没有人可以告诉我, 为什么有人明明就知道他对你不好, 却还是那么愿意, 那么不顾一切, 回到他身边. 那样苦苦的等待, 希望等到有一天, 他终于会明白自己一直在忽略什么, 错过什么. 有些人等着等着, 突然问自己为什么在这样傻傻的等. 最后还是决定放手. 在爱到心灰意冷, 毫无保留后. 有些人觉得这样等着也是一种幸福, 所以一直这样等等等... 那么辛苦, 自己内心不停挣扎. 感情和理智不停打着仗, 最后不只两败俱伤, 而且什么结果都没有. 终有一天, 你再也按奈不住内心那越来越大的空洞, 你决定再回到他身边. 对于周围的人的想法充耳不闻, 自己选择对他的不好视而不见. 这样是最好的吗, 是你真的想要得吗? 虽然你大概不会读到, 读到也不会知道我就在说你, 但我还是要说. 如果你是真的希望她会回来你的身边, 请你好好对待她. 没有行动的言语什么意义都没有. 她是你心爱的人, 不是仇恨的对象. 如果有一天真的让她等到你懂得珍惜她的时候, 我不会多说一句. 又是在想, 是不是如果当初她就像其他女孩子一样, 那么的需要呵护, 和形影不离的那种爱, 她就会得到比现在更多的幸福和快乐. 更多的关注, 更多的疼惜. 是不是因为每个人眼中的她总是那么坚强, 才让他们觉得她没有别人更需要那份温柔? 是不是真的需要到这种地步, 到他们需要求她留下来的时候, 才会相信其实她跟别人没有什么不同. 就只是一个爱逞强, 伤心只给自己懂的女人. 是不是要到她的心都冻结成一块冰, 你们才会懂. ---- First day back at school was hectic, and to say the least, overwhelming. It isn't just about the overwhelming speed at which Mr Sean Tan goes through the lecture on Ionic Equilibria (the value is 1.00 times 10 to -14), it isn't just about Ms Lee telling us to have econs tutorial 5 section B done by tmr before it was even 8 in the morning... It isn't just that the amount of homework we got today was.... More than the lines my scheduler can contain. More than the smount of homework I would get in abut 3 days in the past. It isn't even about Arab-Israeli conflict in the middle-east! Which was the only lesson that made me lose concentration. Then, I don't knw what is it about. Maybe it's because during econs lecture our new GP teacher passed down sets of readings which are quite thick and in quite fine print, one set to be read by tmr GP lesson. Maybe it's because I knew that our chem SPA is in week 7 and promos are in week 10. Maybe it's because our PW teacher changed!!! Omfg, heaven did us justice finally! Oh yeah, maybe it's because people think that my flu virus will slap bang itself on the invisible barrier one seat next to me and will be unable to affect anyone out of that perimeter.... Anyw, I really did do my homework before I come online today la. Just that I only knw how to do about half of my econs tutorial, and the readings I'm only through with about 3 pages before I started to nod off. And I am not planning to do my chem eportfolio assignment lo... This day's been really mentally exhausting. Haix.... Anyw I finally bought my new uniform to replace one of the yellowish and non-elastic hemline one. Happy, but so tired. I wished time would allow me a few more hours for sleep tonight. Hang in there. Determinations Monday, July 6, 2009 School's beginning all over again tmr. These past 4 days had felt like the holidays were here again, and minus the studying for MYEs. Didn't do much, other than re-reading my chinese novels, and just lagging around, or going out for a spin. Mundane days like this didn't feel that bad after all. I wonder whether things are going to be the same when the new school term begins again. At the thought of lab lesson and PW tmr, got kind of turned off. There's still history, which by no means makes things any easier, if not harder. But I promised myself I got to try harder this time. And for a start, maybe I need to get a few more hours of sleep every night too. For the good of my focus in class and my growing eyebags ._. Need. To. Get. Better. I knw I keep saying this but I have no actions. But I am all set for change. I've got everyth I need, maybe except my heart. Need to get it back, hopefully the lessons tmr can capture it for me. I really, really wish that things will change this time. And of course, I'm not leaving things at just wishing. I will try my best to do it. It might help if some people can ask me if I've done my homework/revision when they see me online at night. Okay, not your responsibility. It's mine. Okay, I knw. THINGS WILL GET BETTER!!! RIGHT? I need to show some people who thinks I'm no looks and no brains that I do have something other than air up there in the space between my ears. I am so desperate to prove my worth. So fucking desperate to see I am not a useless piece of shit. I will become better right? I will work harder and do better, right??? In. Your. Face. Please wait patiently. Because I will do it. I really want myself to do it. And really really try. Please wait for me. Because I will catch up with you. Please wait for me. We will see tmr. 是不是虽然知道他对你其实不算好 也不舍得离开他... 心碎的声音 Sunday, July 5, 2009 最近好像是心碎的季节... 突然, 好多人都陷入一片心碎的黑洞... 心为什么会碎, 是不是因为付出了太多, 却什么也换不回来? 是不是因为经过一段刻骨铭心的爱情, 最后却还是回到原点? 是不是因为对方根本没有你想象中那样爱你, 突然才觉得自己好傻, 好傻.. 经过一番挣扎才下定决心做的了断, 是不是会比较难过? 还是应该觉得解脱? 当一切过了, 你会不会想自己到底为什么陷在爱里, 出不来, 只是越陷越深.. 当你付出所有一切去爱, 爱到失去自我时, 却突然要你回到原点 在他还没出现的生活, 回到只有自己的过去 要怎么习惯, 怎么适应? 虽然说一定会好过来, 但当寂寞来袭, 心里空虚无力时, 又该怎么过? 要用时间来麻痹伤口, 还真是需要毅力.. 等待痊愈的间中 大家都要坚强 心碎的声音 不要再听到 ---- Am feeling quite...low. No, I am fine. It's with all that's going on around me. Thought about some things. So sick of me and my imperfections. I want to be like so and so, so and so. I want to have so and so's blah.. It's sick. And I also realised that I am a very superficial person. Not in the way I act. But in my thinking maybe? Maybe the world really only likes pretty people, rich people, smart people. It's practical and realistic after all. Who bothers about the character? Anyw, I don't have a nice character either, so no point. And so I don't belong to either of the three types. I can't change how I look, no I won't go for plastic surgery though I always talk about liposuction, I might be able to become smarter, if I study hard enough. And the wealth will come in after I get my job, I hope. Does it really matter? You ask. Yes, it does. To me it does. So I am a very superficial person, so tell me you don't want to look nice, you don't want to have people like you, you don't want to be able to afford every single thing you like, you don't like to beat everyone at everyth. I want to be more than just average. I want to be everyth I can't be right now. 虽然心碎的人不是我.. Saturday, July 4, 2009 So, exams are over. And math paper was.... Like I expected. 2.5 hours of time wasting becasuse I literally only knw how to do like 2 out of 12 questions. So, U grade again. Didn't update yesterday because I was addicted to playing Facebook games. Yeah, I'm lag la, I only go on to accept friend requests previously. So anyw, I hate my laggy comp because it always causes my death in almsot all the games on fb. What the shit. Zzz. It's a lonely weekend man. Time for some tidying up of my messy notes and files after the exams. After I sort everyth out then I'll have the mood to start mugging for EOYs. I'm not even kidding. And even after I mug so long, I might not even do well. Beats me why I bother. But still! Goodnight. FML Wednesday, July 1, 2009 Ah, I am finally back online. Well, there's still math to go tmr before liberation but.. Don't start with me on that because I don't want to hear a single word more about it! My life is so abso-fucking-lutely gone because I think I just flunked my econs and chem and history, which was no surprise. And don't ask me why I refuse to go and study math. It's probably because the last time I aced math was in PSLE, and that doesn't even count. What is the point of me going there sitting down in a corner reading through the notes and practising questions when I already knw what it's gna be like tmr la. It will just be 2.5 hours of time wasting. There is just no point trying to cram 5 months worth of math in my head in like, 2 hours or so. I might as well just not turn up and get a voided exam result. Feel like swearing man. Fuck my fucking miserable life. Promos? We'll see.. |
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