Who cares? Friday, January 30, 2009 No pictures today, I'm feeling shagged like shit again. I find that when I'm feeling so bloody tired to my bones then I will come and post an entry because I'll be too spent to do anyth else that requires brainpower. My goodness, this is the kind of times when I would feel so damn worn out, I feel like swearing at nothing. PE lesson today killed me. 120 crunches, 120 sets of jumping jets, 120 push-ups, 6 sets of bunny-hopping and 3 rounds at the track. Topped with my aches and pains from floorball training on Wednesday and I am one dead woman. Anyway i find that my stamina has decreased by alot. But well, I guess floorball will do the catching up for me. Anyway, had a long chat with Sherry today, and once again I find things so amusing and incomprehensible. I have learnt not to bother about things that don't concern me, or at least not directly. It is so totally a norm in our RV society already, and we've already spent 5 years here for us not to knw how things work. You choose the way, you pay the price, and stop bloody complaining about every single damned thing you should already knw. Just wondering what takes some people so long to realise that they don't call the shots around here? Oh yeah anyway, shut up and just deal with it. Damn it. I am so freaking shagged to the max. And training again tmr zzz. Good night people, pardon the crankiness. Though I knw very well what I'm writing, still. Ohwell. Whatever la, a blog is supposed to be what a blog is used for. Weird Wednesday, January 28, 2009 Hello, so I didn't post 'later' as I said I would in the last post.. But I guess it doesn't really matter since probably no one will be following my dead blog anymore. Anyhow, I am too lazy to think about what to blog, so pardon me while I just spam pictures. And then, talk a little shit here and there too. Omg this is eons ago. Orientation ._. ![]() ![]() Faking a jumpshot, LOL. ![]() Our beautiful N (: ![]() Random! Vege covering the plate, incase you can't see. LOLL. ![]() Floorball team, after friendly match (: ![]() This is someone who went mad from doing math. Okay that's it, consider that done I'm feeling so shagged after a crazy session of floorball rawr. The rest of the pictures another day la. Anyway, I wouldn't be updating very regularly (as can be obviously seen), because I have problems coping with trainings, and homework and to sleep early. Yeah as you all knw, I am a very slack person.. So, yeah. But yes, nevertheless, I am trying extremely hard to catch up with the amount of workload everyday. And might I say, I am doing a fine job so far. So hopefully I can sustain the effort. Anyhow, I think relationships are so strange and inexplicable. Love is really blind isn't it? Weird. You spend your whole life trying to love someone wholeheartedly. And when the person doesn't love you back, you continue to give, and give somemore. Hello?! Tragic hero/heroine, much? That is so pointless for a relationship to continue anymore. If he isn't worth your time then just give him up. Then again, that's the whole deal about love. The whole shit about not asking for any returns and blah and blah.. yeah, the idealistic love which honestly, who has?! But anyway I figure I won't understand. Not now, maybe not ever. Tag replies Friday, January 23, 2009 Tag replies: Yunyi> LOL okay, enough about the health ambassador thing. And yes I am updating now. Owl Subject> And no one else fits it more than I do =p And LOL, since when did you revert to being a non-owlander? Guokai> Ah yeah it's the comics, but I read the chinese version leh. I think your bro reads the english ones right? Haha. Jo> Aiyo not sad la, now better le ba? Things will get better (: Lols. Youwei> Oh lol okay, even though being CIP rep sucks too, but health ambassador seriously isn't any better. Tzechong> You come and ask for fight one is it? -.- Anyway Acer computers are lousy. LOL. Just saying. Lau> Hello! :D Yunrou> Oh yaye haha. Hello classmate! :D Sara> Lol, did anyone say I am supposed to organise it? Anyway, school life's been crazy, really busy at the moment. So, sorry I can't do it. MJH> Yeah okay, here it is, the long-awaited post. Tsk. Taylin> LOL, very random aye. Updates later. There's too many tag replies I wna separate the post. Hello 5N Monday, January 12, 2009 Hello world, today is the first day of school. And let's just say there can be better days than this, or so I hope. Well anyhow, I don't really want to elaborate too much about this. It isn't actually anyth, it's just that my mood isn't there. I have lots and lots of free period for this timetable. Especially on Fridays. 3 hours and 20 minutes of free period at one go. Aye, lots of time for self-studying? Orientation was tiring today. And tmr will be an even longer day, which somehow I am not really looking forward to. I just hope this 3 days would fly past. I would rather attend lectures than continue this. Some consolation might be that, I think 5N is quite an enthusiastic and on class. With Leon and Sharman leading, I think it would be pretty alright.. And yeah, finally I am not chairp anymore. But why am I Health Ambassador?! I can't stop whining about this man. But why?! Ohmygoodness la. Zzzomgwtfzxczxc. Ohman, I wish I can stop being so passive. But I can't help it man. The days just hasn't been that good in anyway. I shall try and enjoy it tmr. Better than putting myself through and suffereing so badly. Oh and anyway, no H1 HCL for me! I scored better than expected, not the best but good enough for me. Turning in soon, and I hope for the best tmr. Good night world. School reopens Sunday, January 11, 2009 School is reopening tmr and my mother is not quite done with exploiting me for the house chores yet. I feel so damn tired today. Have been walking around shopping malls (especially JP) the past few days, and I have gotten so sick of it. Because I don't want to spend my remaining money since I have to save, so I only window shop. Feeling really tired now. School's tmr, and I feel like I have nothing to look forward to. It's not about anyth in particular, or maybe it is about everyth. I just don't feel like I am up to the change, nor the orientation. But then, like it or not, it's tmr and will last three days. I hope I survive it seriously.. And again, 'O' level HCL results tmr. Something which I have put off from my mind until now. I just hope that I don't fail the paper and have to take H1 chinese. Everyone is telling me it is impossible that I will fail, but that's the thing. If I really don't do well I will be more disappointed than I already will be since it's obvious I underperformed under those circumstances. Ohmygod. Please let me survive this new life. Even though I don't see anyth nice about it. I hope I'll grow to like it, or if not, just let it be a habit. Have to turn in early tonight. Since I'm already feeling so tired, and I have to wake up at 5am again. Good luck to everyone, especially me. I sincerely wish with all my heart that it will be enjoyable. Hopeless. Useless. Saturday, January 10, 2009 The last two days of my freedom left, and then it's back to school again. Went out with Josephine today. Talked about our new class 5N. Somehow the prospects of me making new friends just seem very slim. I shall just learn to 安分守己 and not take up too much, or any, committments which might distract me from my studies. Studies shall come first and I shall learn how to put things down. Next few days are all out with people. And my mum's been exploiting me with the house chores alot too. Though I am quite sian of going all around, especially to JP but well. Better than staying home I suppose. Tmr to Vivo with Sharm then JP again on Sunday with juniors. I haven't seen them for such a long long time. Stood in the queue for the replacement of adult EZ-link cards today at the ticket office at boonlay. I stood from 5pm till 6pm, one whole hour in my new shoes and my feet kind of felt like they are going to detach from my body soon ._. I hope I don't become crippled again tmr. Have been thinking about a few things recently. What with all the responsibilities, workload, committments and such. I don't want to miss any opportunity given to me, but I don't want to let it affect me or my studies either. So I must still give in to my studies. Year 5 will not be easy to pass, and even more so for me because I've got so much catching up to do. Sometimes it just really makes me feel damn incompetent thinking back on the first two years in my RV life. All the participation in various events and exchange programmes. And then it toned down when I entered year 3 and then eventually none at all now. I think I am losing everyth. But I have no one to blame because I think I am no longer capable anymore. I can't keep myself alive with my own school work, I have no right to ask for extra credit with the committments and responsibilities to take. It's too late somehow. I've been thinking about this, and I guess maybe it is really time to put it down after so long. It's for the better and I believe it will do me good. And so, I have put much thought into my CCA as I promised I would figure things out this year. Somehow, I think I have a conclusion. And I hope that the people I care and respect enough to ask about their opinions will support my decision. I want to find that rigour and passion I have for table tennis back into this whole new CCA. Hopefully it will come back and I can do well for it, whichever it is going to end up to be. Thinking and reflections about so many things, but never blogging them down in words. Maybe because they are too complicating, or that I am just lazy to. But I got to remind myself of what I really want or to be so I will not lose myself along the way. For once I need to remember all that I set out to be. Hopefully this year would not be that hard to cope. 4H chalet Friday, January 9, 2009 Hello people, I'm back from the 3D2N 4H chalet! (This is so delayed. I have been back since forever.) And well, it wasn't the best of the chalets the class had, but I would still say it was fairly fun and enjoyable all the same (: Hmm, I wanted to blog in full detail about the chalet. But since this is so overdue, I kind of lost the mood. So, brief details about it, I shall try. I was somewhere near or tending the BBQ pit for both nights, which resulted in me eating alot. And this time the fire is hot and good, credits to Sharman the strong! Haha. It lasted for quite long too, enough food to go around, I hope. Saw a bunch of underwears at our stone bench before BBQ. Consisted of underwears, boxers and bikini bottoms. LOL, for pictures of them, visit Sylvia's blog. Stayed up the whole of the first night talking because there was no space to sleep. Learnt alot maybe, because people don't like to talk about problems, but we talked about the problems. And other stuffs. So I learnt alot. Second night BBQ, a bunch of ___ people in the opposite chalet who had been blasting music started sexy dancing (if you can call it sexy). Pole dancing on table top, lots of hair swinging, but actually it just looks like someone high on ecstasy or some drugs. And it wasn't even sightly at the very least. Cleaned the chalet toilet on the second night because the girls (Sharm, Chiouyih, Sylvia, me) felt that it stinks. A..new experience? LOL. Ohwell so then made the toilet nice and clean and considered done. Okay I think that's about it already. These few days have been lagging and going out alot. And tmr to JP with Josephine. Now, about the new class. 5N, my new class where I'm gna spend the next 2 years in. Erm, the people are alright, I guess. There's Yanyi, Sharm and Josephine whom I'm closer to. A few other people from 4H and 2C and abit I knw here and there. I hope this class is gna be okay. Though I kind of have the tendency to turn a little anti-social. Zzz. I am so in need of a reality check. Someone show me the way out. Bad first day Thursday, January 1, 2009 Hello people, today is the first day of 2009, and it sucked. Bad day, very bad day. But I think I better shut my mouth about it. I hope tmr's gna be better because I can't take more of this shit. If today's any sign of how the rest of my 2009 is gna be, I think I would choose to die now. Oh yeah, and might I say I'm feeling sort of depressed about the new school term because of the orientation? Oh yeah, I'm sure it'll be good and all. But released at 9pm? That is so not alright man.. And lots of games to supposedly bond the class. I am anti-social. I don't like the sound of it. Anyhow. Things better be okay or I swear I will go crazy very soon. |
Profile ![]() Sinyee. 17. Headstrong Wants a day of extensive retail therapy, good food and fun. Tagboard @astep-ahead.blogspot.com (: others 2Complicated '06 <33. Hapsburg! RVFBT! RVTT. Ariel. Ayesha. Beishan. ChenTao. ChingXin. Chiouyih. Eileen. Irene. Jaslin. Jasmine. Jennings. Junhao. Kailin. Matthias. Michelle. Mingjie. Pei Qi. Peishi. Rachel. Sara. Sharman. Shaun. Sherry. Shiyuan. Sinyee. Sylvia. TayLin. Tzeteng. Weikai. Winnie. Xinyu. Yanjie. Yeejin. YingYing. Yuhong. Yunrou. Yunyi. Zhijun. Blogskins. Imageshack. Imeem. Mixpod. Photobucket. Archives Credits Layout : Janani. Inspiration : Daphne. Icon : black-balloonxx. Lyrics : The Climb. |