Judgement Monday, October 27, 2008 Judgement comes tommorrow. I guess it's gna decide if I'll stay or go. Hoping for the best, for I can take no more disappointments. Uncertainties will either be crushed or confirmed. I don't knw what do I do, but wait, and see. Just for awhile, I wish tmr never comes. Sunday, October 26, 2008 Been staring at this blank page, thinking of what to post. My thoughts keep straying over things I don't really want to keep my mind on. This long weekend's been pretty boring actually, giving me plenty of time for my thought to roam.. Too many times I've been thinking about this. Ahhh screw it. Went out today with FP :D Nowhere new, Bugis again. But today was pretty fun because we did shopping! (Haha) I mean, window shopping. Well, since I'm broke, so had to settle with that. But it was still fun because FP is entertaining heh :D Then we went JP for a spin, looking around for some affordable soccer boots. Aye =/ I dno what to say la.. Soccer.. Zzz. I wish I'm a filthy rich girl because I seriously need some money! I want to buy a pair of nice-but-not-that-expensive pair of soccer boots, my FMA 17, 18 and 19, new nice clothing, a backpack. All that money needed for chalets.. And not to mention the holy treat, if I don't suffer the fate of retaining, to my family. Wish me luck, people. I wished money fell from the sky. Damn, I'm freaking tired. Towning tmr with Zhijun and perhaps Sherry. Good night people (: Ohyes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARMOUSIE! :D Post-exam Plans Thursday, October 23, 2008 Hello people, I'm finally here for a proper update. (Although I still feel too lazy to post ._.) So the past few days after the exams, have been going out alot. Friday after school went to Bugis with Sharm. Actually nothing much, just window shopping mostly because I'm super broke. Decided to save up abit before going stationery shopping with her and yan. Went out with Yijun, Irene and Shaun on Saturday. Had BK for lunch at Vivo first. Shaun treated me Hershey's Sundae Pie :D Damn nice and was super full by the time we finished everyth. And then we all took 97 to Marina. Just walked around and talked crap all the way, then we went into this Halloween themed shop that is a branch of John Little. There was no shop attendant inside, so we had fun :D Pictures! ![]() Yijun is a witch! =x Hohoho Hall of Terror! credits to Shaun :D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This looks retarded. And the girls for the day: ![]() Me, Yjun and Irene :D Then Monday went out with Sharm and Yan to Bugis. Went to eat ice monster! Haha was quite nice, but since I was so broke, I only ordered a relatively cheap one. Still, it was nice :D Then we went to take neos, wheee :D ![]() ![]() Haha I'm too lazy to upload the rest. Get it from anyone of us if you're that interested, lol. Then we went to yan's house for a round of badminton. Haha. I didn't play because I didn't feel up to it so I just sat and watched them play while trying to find an inspiration for me to write the long overdue year book writeup. Did progress abit, and it was fun watching them play :D Then went to jec to have dinner with FP, was late but never mind, haha =x Just ate and lagged for abit then left for home. And so ends the long weekends. Back to school on Tuesday and that's yesterday. Got back a few papers, didn't do really well. Don't really wna talk much about them either. And I don't remember much from the day other than going to Vivo after school with Sherry, Zhijun and Yeejin. Had lunch at BK again and just caught up on some stuffs. Then walked around Vivo and went back. Today was a bad day. Felt like dying half the day in school. Down with a bout of flu, sore throat, cough and headaches now and then. But feeling alot better now. Skipped PE today because of it, urgh. I need to exercise man, I'm growing fat, lol! Ohwell nothing much to post about la. Feeling shagged even after my 3 hour nap ._. Zzz.. Hope will be well by tmr. Finally done with this update.. Liberation! Saturday, October 18, 2008 Just for record's sake, and fun, perhaps, EOYS 2008 ARE OFFICIALLY OVER! No sense of exhilaration felt. Liberation suddenly don't feel as great as it should. Whatever, it's all over ain't it. Too late for regrets. Last entry before EOYs Sunday, October 5, 2008 "It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop." - Confucius ---- Well, decided to come for an update after a week or so being stagnant and inactive here. It should by right be the last update before the EOYs. Besides the fact that I am very much not interested in updating anymore, I have to keep offline to stay focued. So these few days been trying in vain to finish up my CID report. Yeah, I knw I'm like really slow and all that, but I can't seem to think properly ._. Had to stay up till like 4am to rush out the report and collapsed on my bed with fatigue after all that struggling. And finally finished the report today, albeit waking up at only 1.10pm. I hope all that mental stress isn't getting to me just yet. All this had barely started. Taken the Lang. Arts paper on Friday. It was pretty okay, though I slept late the night before. Didn't doze or I would have failed that paper. So hopefully I did okay. Have to finish revising for chemistry by tonight, maybe I'll have to sleep late again. So going to start physics tmr so that I can go consult Mr Tan on Tuesday. I hope. My mum's locking me in for the 3 days of study break. reckons I'd do better mugging alone at home. I honestly hope she knws what she is talking about because it doesn't work with me. Urgh all this madness is really making me feel D: I don't knw man. Just let me survive this and promote safely. Even that is an uncertainty now. ---- 我们都学得会 学会一个人面对 离开后才能勇敢追 追寻心中另一个世界 我不要完美 只要能再回到原位 |
Profile ![]() Sinyee. 17. Headstrong Wants a day of extensive retail therapy, good food and fun. Tagboard @astep-ahead.blogspot.com (: others 2Complicated '06 <33. Hapsburg! RVFBT! RVTT. Ariel. Ayesha. Beishan. ChenTao. ChingXin. Chiouyih. Eileen. Irene. Jaslin. Jasmine. Jennings. Junhao. Kailin. Matthias. Michelle. Mingjie. Pei Qi. Peishi. Rachel. Sara. Sharman. Shaun. Sherry. Shiyuan. Sinyee. Sylvia. TayLin. Tzeteng. Weikai. Winnie. Xinyu. Yanjie. Yeejin. YingYing. Yuhong. Yunrou. Yunyi. Zhijun. Blogskins. Imageshack. Imeem. Mixpod. Photobucket. Archives Credits Layout : Janani. Inspiration : Daphne. Icon : black-balloonxx. Lyrics : The Climb. |