Emotional Catharsis Tuesday, September 23, 2008 "When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving much advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares." - Henri Nouwen ---- Hello fellow blog readers (if any left ._.), I knw that I have not updated for the past two weeks or so, and yes okay fine, it's not that I don't have anyth to update, I'm just plain lazy. Ohwell. Since I got to use the comp earlier than my usual time today, I shall attempt to complete this entry by 9.30pm. Meant to update this yesterday, somehow though, didn't. So, shall not attempt to backtrack two weeks worth of happenings. About yesterday... Totally woke up late ._. I have no idea why my handphone alarm did not snooze and I had half a mind to sleep back when I decided to go check the time.. To find that it was already 6.10am. Morning exercise of running after 179 again, and didn't have much mood to talk or anyth on the way to school. Spent most of the break rehearsing CID oral presentation with Yanyi. We were the first group up, and I think we did pretty okay. Good job yan :D And lessons went on as usual.. After school went out to Ikea for lunch with Sharm and Yanyi. We were like counting the number of steps it would take for us to walk from the bus stop to Ikea. It was quite funny, since all of us were dying for lunch. Took us 500 steps to reach, haha. Went back to school for math remedial. Actually only to show Mr Liu my completed revision worksheet 3 and do corrections, if any. So was done quite fast and left school. And a belated birthday present from Xinyu, Lau, Chingxin and Lihui! ![]() Sweet (: Thanks girls. Anyway I didn't mention that Xinyu and Lau already bought a top for me for my birthday le. Thanks alot! This badge is so cute :D Been through some clearing things up and thinking things out at night. Some emotional catharsis, but I guess that's good. I'm glad for that because I feel better now, and I knw what to do. I hope I'm on the road to making things right. Just give me a little more time.. Thanks anyhow.. You knw who you are la. Today had those mundane lessons again, struggling to keep awake and drifting in and out of sleep constantly. Guess I'll have to sleep earlier since exams are coming up in less than 2 weeks, and mugging is not going on well... Okay, not that I haven't been trying. Just not hard enough. Mugging sessions after school had only served as a time for me to do homework instead of revise anyth, and I dno how the school expects us to revise when they keep throwing work at us ._. Ohwell some random update. I don't knw when will be the next time so LOH YUNYI STOP TELLING ME TO UPDATE LA, TSK. See your big name here, I knw you very happy. LOL. Ohwell okay, mission accomplished. Goodbye. Sunday, September 7, 2008 No quote for today.. Too tired to look for any. Will try to post this in record time, since my eyelids are threatening to close out on me already.. Okay had study date with FP yesterday at frontier library.. Was quite productive, I managed to finish another chem assignment, which is good. One more left. After that I didn't feel like doing anyth more so I just stoned around. Went to JP for a spin and discussed stupid things with FP, LOL. Then got quite irritated because FP just had to disagree with everyth I say! Tsktsk. But then never mind, haha. Went home.. Came home to find my mother's old friend here for dno-what reason. Then was awhile before going out to NUH to visit my uncle who was admitted this afternoon because of stroke. Zzz.. Hope he gets well soon! Reached back around 1030pm and have been lagging since. Going on a study date with Josephine later.. It has to be productive, because it's the last day of our break. Zzz highly depressing thought, back to school =/ Super tired now. Zzz.. ` 31 days to EOYs DD: & HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHIOUYIH! Chem lecture Saturday, September 6, 2008 "Fight one more round. When your arms are so tired that you can hardly lift your hands to come on guard, fight one more round. When your nose is bleeding and your eyes are black and you are so tired that you wish your opponent would crack you one on the jaw and put you to sleep, fight one more round. Remembering that the man who always fights one more round is never whipped." - James Corbett ---- Alrights, so went for chemistry lecture today. Was late. I swear I will never take 242 at the morning peak hours anymore. If not for the rain this morning, I would have walked to take some other bus. Anyth but 242 -.- I stayed on the bus today for almost a half hour, that I had the time to finish my CID survey results analysis, zzz. And so, it was already 8.35am or so when I caught the train at Boonlay. Totally only reached Commonwealth at 8.55am, so was late for lecture! But well, loads other people are as well, or even later. So it's okay. Learnt organic chemistry today.. All the alkanes, alkenes stuff. Was pretty alright, though I started to sniff alot halfway through the lecture. Ohwell. After lecture, went out to lunch at JEC's Kopitiam with Sharm and Yanyi.. And then since Yanyi had some time to lag before her bowling starts, I decided to go West Mall with her to while away the time. Sharm went home though. Didn't get anyth at West Mall because I was terribly broke. Haha. Just random walking around, and laughing at random things. Then started to feel very tired, so we just lagged at the benches in the basement. Then she left for her bowling and I took 187 back to Boonlay then 242. Super tired. Came home and just fell asleep like, at my study table until my mother came and told me to go to bed if I really am that tired. And so I did. Woke up at 8.30pm, haha. The thought of doing the 2 new chemistry assignments keeps bugging me ever since I got home. But sian, don't really feel like doing chem again after I finally finished the electrolysis one yesterday. Ohwell. Study date on later. Hope it's productive! ` 33 days to EOYs a.k.a Doomsday DD: (As of 0509) Don't waste time Friday, September 5, 2008 "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will." - Mahatma Gandhi ---- Slightly accomplished today. Finished chemistry assignment, and now I feel that history is the bummer. Need to recap lots on British Malaya and French Vietnam stuffs, I've forgotten everyth.. So little time. Been feeling quite useless. Yeah, I knw I've been wasting all the time away like this is a one month holiday instead of just a one week break. Thought I could be a little more productive today but turns out I'm wrong. Haven't even done any revision at all. History got me stuck. Think I should just turn and bang the wall. Yeah okay, whatever. Chemistry lecture on tmr.. Or rather later on. LT1 for 3 hours, no tables, have to resort to clipboards ._. I hope I will be able to concentrate tmr and not like, fall asleep or something. Prospects are bleak.. Urgh. Incoherent talking. I'm really feeling quite hopeless and all. What to do. Been thinking about some random shits. Arrived at no effective conclusion, but that's okay. I guess I have to tell myself 'Don't waste time' constantly. Many seemed to have forgotten the whole point from the start, but I don't want to become like that as well. So don't waste time.. Stop wasting time when you could be doing something else altogether. It would have been very much different. Maybe I should get some sleep now. ` 34 days to EOYs a.k.a Doomsday DD: (As of 0409) Random Thursday, September 4, 2008 Random post, taking a break from mugging chem. Irritating. It's been raining so much these days. Have no idea what to do on these rainy days. Though I like such days, I hate getting wet. Isn't it kind of ironical ._. Ohwell. Really been slacking alot during this one week break. So decided to make up for it, as much as I can, today. I really doubt that I can do much, but well.. Just trying my best. I don't want to end up as dead meat again. However unmotivated, it's time to get up and bury my head in some books.. Zzz. Anyway, chemistry assignment is so...strange (lol), kind of feeling like a retard now. But I'm almost there! Finishing it soon. Yeah.. Gna have to make up for the slacking. Yanyi please stress me! Ahh. I really, feel like a, hopeless, loser. Okay shut up and back to mug chem. Goodbye, world. I hope I don't just drop dead or something. Zzz.. Retard Wednesday, September 3, 2008 "There is only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying things which are beyond the power of our will." - Epictetus ---- Didn't update about yesterday because I was suffering from a mental block. As in 头脑一片空白 kind of mental block. Couldn't really think.. So yep, here I am. Anyway yesterday was day out with Yeejin, Sherry, Kailin and Haixin. (cannot really be considered as a class gathering, due to obvious reasons ._.) Ohwell. We pre-planned to go to Sentosa for the day, but since Sherry couldn't go due to some nitty-gritty mumsy reasons, we went to Frontier library to do.... Mugging. Like kill me please. Ohwell not like it was all productive, or at all. But it had been fun chatting with them. And while we got so darn bored and didn't knw what to do, Sherry suggested we go to the Science Centre ._. And, who knew why, we ended up there sure enough. So anyhow, since the last time I'd been there was like years ago, just decided to look around and see what's new. There were still many funny stuffs that I remember from primary school days, and we had quite a laugh over the really funny things that Sherry did. Yeah, she was really enthusiatic. LOL. Some random pictures: ![]() Sherry working her way to lift the load to the top by paddling. Yeejin + Sherry first try: Time: 46.0 sec, power: 1W My first try: Time: 5.8 sec, power: 62W Hahaha. ![]() I swear this is damn classic! Yeejin in a nostril: "Anybody home?" LOLL. Anyway, we exploited Haixin like mad because he paid for all our tickets which summed up to $20+! Haha =x Left the place at 5pm or so, and went back to JP for a spin. Treat by Sherry, Chocolate cream cake from LJS, hohoho. Lagged, and talked awhile more random stuffs and went home. Today went for physics extra lesson. There was this huge misunderstanding, or rather commuication breakdown between me and Mr Tan. I thought he meant that the lesson would be from 9.30am to 10am, so I told Sharm and Jianlong to pass the message to the rest of the class. And I haven't the slightest idea that I had misinterpreted his message untile Acer asked me whether Mr Tan had said he changed the start of the lesson to 9.30am. Then I read the text message again, and I felt like a retard. But I really wasn't thinking straight yesterday, okay I'm not blaming anyone. LOL. I think next time must ask Mr Tan pass his message to Jianlong le, tsktsk. Anyhow, very very very (X1000) sorry to Mr Tan for wasting his morning waiting for us. Zzz. And also to the rest of the people who ended up having to stay longer than anticipated. Sorry people =x After lessons, went for lunch at JEC's KFC with Sharm and Yanyi. Lagged and talked random stuffs, well it's always the same stuffs -.- Then went home and reached back at 2+pm which was freaking early to normal standards. Ohwell nothing much. I can't believe half of our 1 week break is actually gone just like this. Live and breathe on studies? Oh, for crying out loud, who am I tryna kid, seriously. ` 35 days to EOYs a.k.a Doomsday DD: Sorry Tuesday, September 2, 2008 Disappointed beyond words. After everyth, after so long, this is what you gave me. But who do I have to blame? No. I don't blame you. You're not the one at fault after all. I'm sorry. I don't knw how to assure you of anyth. But I hope you'll understand and feel for yourself that everyth is true. 我只想再哭一下下 假如你不反对的话 等哭完我就会回家 眼泪我会替自己擦 Hope & Joy "It is salutary to train oneself to be no more affected by censure than by praise." -W. Somerset Maugham ---- Here to update about yesterday and today. Which had both been pretty interesting in its own way, even if I may not be feeling quite in the mood of how I felt during the actual happenings now.. So yesterday.. Didn't really do much. Woke up and started doing chores, stoned, did (or tried to do) chemistry assignment.. Then decided to go out with FP :D Okay anyhow, went to Causeway Point for no particular purpose. Just to get out and stop myself rotting at home. Got a treat from FP, Hot Fudge Sundae from macs hoho :D To repay me for being kind to help in choosing something nice for someone. Tsktsk. Okay, then went to JP for a spin before going home at around 7.15am. Today.. Made people postpone the movie because this thing that cropped up last minute. So sorry people =x Anyhow, woke up earlier than usual to prepare and stuffs. But mostly still stoning around. At around 12 noon, my uncle came to pick me and my brother up and drove us to our cousin's house. Stoned alot there. Before finally, going to the destination of the day. Registry of Marriages. Uh yes, that is ROM, but NO, I am not the one registering my marriage ._. Yeah, my cousin Jianli is getting married! :DDD Anyhow, shall let the pictures speak for themselves. ![]() ![]() Jianjie is tryna ask for a beating LOL. ![]() Bride & groom! :D ![]() ![]() The Solemnisation. (With many camera flashes going off at the side ._.) ![]() Bride & groom with brothers Jianjie and Jianyi. ![]() With parents, Jianjie & Jianyi's girlfs :D ![]() Classic shot! :D Jianli was told to hold in this position for 30 seconds for phototaking, HAHAHA Super cute and sweet lo! :D Anyway after the phototaking and everyth, went back to their house to have a buffet dinner, lagged, stoned, watched TV.. And I went back home on my own. That's all but today's been really interesting. In the few years to come, it's gna be Jianyi and Jianjie's turn to get married hoho :D Random: ![]() Monkey is my new love! :D It's given to me for my birthday by MISS TANPEIQI and it's darn cute, albeit a little small. But haha never mind. It's still adorable LOL. Oh yes anyways people, sorry if I don't reply texts, spammed too much these days arranging for 6E gathering tsktsk. Yep, I'm not dao-ing or anyth. Just don't have enough to spare. `37 days to EOYs DD: ---- Trust. |
Profile ![]() Sinyee. 17. Headstrong Wants a day of extensive retail therapy, good food and fun. Tagboard @astep-ahead.blogspot.com (: others 2Complicated '06 <33. Hapsburg! RVFBT! RVTT. Ariel. Ayesha. Beishan. ChenTao. ChingXin. Chiouyih. Eileen. Irene. Jaslin. Jasmine. Jennings. Junhao. Kailin. Matthias. Michelle. Mingjie. Pei Qi. Peishi. Rachel. Sara. Sharman. Shaun. Sherry. Shiyuan. Sinyee. Sylvia. TayLin. Tzeteng. Weikai. Winnie. Xinyu. Yanjie. Yeejin. YingYing. Yuhong. Yunrou. Yunyi. Zhijun. Blogskins. Imageshack. Imeem. Mixpod. Photobucket. Archives Credits Layout : Janani. Inspiration : Daphne. Icon : black-balloonxx. Lyrics : The Climb. |