Newton's Third Law Sunday, August 31, 2008 Newton's Third Law states that "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." A cause and an effect. It never stops. Even if you wished it did. ---- Hmm.. So had teachers' day celebrations yesterday, which was just... So-so I guess. Started with the ACES day mass dance Sundance and All For One at the track. That was rather... Funny yet boring I think. Ohwell, it's expected anyways. Proceeded back to class and started to prepare the room for the class party. the Hapsburgers brought many varieties of food and snacks and everyth.. After Ms Chia and Mr Tan came in, the eating started, lol. Nothing much actually, presented our teachers their presents from us and Mr Tan kept torturing the plushie that I chose. Tsk, it's so cute okay ._. After class party, had to go to the hall for the teachers' day concert. Was pretty good, better than any other kinds of concert before.. Then was the start of sign-up games for whoever did.. Went and watched the basketball matches for our class guys for awhile.. Then returned to class, before deciding to return to XNPS to meet Kailin who was there alone. Gathering this year was a failure. Many didn't bother responding to my email, some pangseh-ed. And I am really quite disappointed with some people which I think I shouldn't elaborate. But still, thanks alot to Kailin and Haixin who bothered to come.. Caught up a fair bit with them even though Haixin was mostly quiet. Tsk. None of them changed alot, because Haixin still had that cheeky and mischievious looking face.. And Kailin is well, still Kailin :D Anyhow, we've decided that we shall have a 6E chalet at the end of this year to celebrate the end of their 'O' levels. Haha, hope they do well. Mug hard people! I demand for another gathering at end of years because attendance this time is so lousy okay! Haha. Hmm.. That was yesterday done.. Today.. Did nothing. Woke up really late and stoned and lagged around.. Done abit of math and chemistry. Other than that, nothing productive. However this holidays.. I am supposed to live and breathe on studies. Feeling kind of depressed just thinking about how I did for term 3, which is why I have to do some serious catching up. Still can't find the motivation.. But I must.. Somehow. Okay.. Most likely going out tmr, gna be bored out of my wits just staying home and staring into space. LOL. High tendency of stoning. So yep. That's all for now. ---- I wished you could see it sooner, I wished you would stop doing this to yourself. Do you feel like you're losing grip? Is it really worth all this? I cannot explain the disappointment that I felt when I heard you saying all that bullshit. I really don't understand how far you can go in order to keep this in line. But I am really, really disappointed in you. What does all this mean to you? Is it really so uncomparable to it? Are we so insignificant, that you can just go back on your word and act like you don't knw anyth when you're the one who even brought it up in the first place? This is not like you, and we knw it. I am tired of this. I don't want to see a friend trapped in this anymore. But yet I can't do anyth, because you knw what you want. Even if it isn't the best, you knw what you want. I hope you really knw what's best for yourself.. And stop breaking yourself up all the time. Facade Thursday, August 28, 2008 After trying to upload the long-overdue pictures for the past few days but failing, finally managed to do so today. So now I post the very outdated pictures of the past few weeks.. E&C Week ![]() Odd-numbered group (: ![]() Class photo (: Class CIP @ Fort Canning Park ![]() Girls! ![]() Bend it like Yuhong! :D ![]() Vincent, Sweecheng, Jonathan, Sylvia and me, with the super-cute Darth Vader boyboy :D Exam period ![]() Queen Pea! :D Credits to Sharman. ![]() Got too bored revising for history. Best form of entertainment :D ![]() Sharm's mad from studying.. ![]() And another. ![]() The big mess. ![]() Beaver & Sheep at Toys 'R' Us (: ![]() I love! YESTERDAY ![]() Sexiest coach on Earth (: ---- Okay, that's all for now. Anyway, what happened yesterday was that Zhijun decided for us to get a cake to celebrate teachers' day with coach, and also to celebrate his belated birthday, which is like on 14th June ._. Okay never mind. Zhijun and I went back to play table tennis as well, and now the whole right side of my body is aching ._. Anyway! Coach, we love you because you're the funniest and sexiest coach living! :D So today.. Got back papers. Didn't do well for any of them, so no point talking about any of them either. Guess I will just have to work really hard, if it isn't too late already, and pray for a miracle to happen to me for the year-end exams. Revealed the Angel&Mortal game thing. In this period of time, I had fun getting stuffs for my mortal, and of course receiving things from my Angel. And they are Spencer and Jianlong respectively. Jianlong and Mingjie kept trying to confuse me over who is my real angel ._. I was so sure it was Jianlong right from the start, yet someone (I forgot who) told me that it could be Mingjie. In the end, it was still Jianlong! But anyways, thanks alot to my lovely Angel for all the nice notes and little things here and there. I appreciate them alot and have kept most of them nicely until now! (Well, some didn't manage to escape the evil clutches and prying eyes of my brother and mother ._. ) ![]() What more to ask for! :D After school, went out to Vivo with Zhijun. Just walked around checking out some stuffs with her. It was okay, just a little tiring. Didn't realise it was already 5pm and we had been there for quite long. So I went home after that. Nothing much else. School term's coming to an end in days. I need to mug now or I am going to die a horrible death. The one week study break will be me eating and sleeping on studies, and I mean breathing it in even. Should get back the rest of the papers if possible, by tmr. Whatever it is, I'm in serious deep shit. For now, I guess only focusing on EOYs can suffice. It's 28th August now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEARLY! :D ---- Just been thinking about the little conversation I had with coach the other day about his students. I wonder how people are really like. And how much you think you really knw them and what they are truly. I guess I have been caught off-guard, when those simple words escaped his lips and are out in the open. I don't knw if I have been too stubborn and adamant in my POV, but it still doesn't make sense to me. I hope my judgement isn't wrong all along. This is the last thing that I want happen to me. It seems really impossible, but I remind myself of all the things that can possibly happen.. Sometimes, perhaps we are just too insisting to see things in one particular way.. But who would knw, if what you see is really what you get.. Because most times.. Most times, that isn't the case.. I need motivation. Monday, August 25, 2008 Bad day. I don't knw what about today makes it bad, but I just feel like it's a bad day. Lessons as usual, just feeling a whole lot more tired. Back into math remedial, yeah why am I even surprised. Shouldn't even have thought for a second I could get lucky. It just isn't possible. Physics was free period. Nothing much about school today that's very much worth mentioning other than my doomsday is due when our papers come back. I knw I screwed most of them up anyways. No point even trying to self-delude, it's too far gone this time. After school waited for Yeejin and Yunrou and went to Vivo to have lunch and check out some stuffs for Jin's sister's birthday present. Decided to go to Marina after that. Bought something for my mortal.. The game's ending soon though, it's been rather fun and all. And I am still confused over who exactly is my angel =/ So ends today. Really, not such a great day. ---- "Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising everytime we fall." I hope I still have the drive and determination to carry on. I hope I can do something about this to rise from the fall. I'm still trying to believe it's all possible... I hope a miracle could happen for once... I think I need sleep, for now. Sunday, August 24, 2008 Alright, went on a supposed study date with Sharm to Yanyi's friend Aloysius's house today. Hmm.. Well, supposed. Because it wasn't productive at all for me. Slept at 4am last night and woke up at 7am to finish the chores I am supposed to get done before going out. Met Sharm at Yew Tee MRT at 10am and waited for Yanyi to come. Bought Sweettalk and went to his house. His mother is super kind and nice man, offering us food and drinks every so often. And she ordered Pizza Hut and KFC for our lunch, haha. Yanyi and Sharman did what they were supposed to. I either stoned or fell asleep. Yeah, accomplished nothing but whatever ._. After that, we went out to his living room and started playing the Wii that he has. It's super fun and entertaining even though I only watched. The two of them play super comically LOL. Left the place at 5pm, and went to Lot 1 to buy some stuffs for our mortals. Took 172 back then 242. Ran home in the rain, got drenched like shit. Cold and wet, but was finally home. Nothing much today, just lagged around. But am feeling tired. Zzz.. School week starts again tmr. Zzz.. Too lazy to blog the pictures. Maybe another day, maybe never.. Flagday Hello world, I'm here at such an inhumane time to update about my flagday :D Okay, so last night was feeling really shagged and all from soccer training.. Had initially decided not to go for the flagday today, also partly because I knew I was gna be like, the only girl from 4H there.. So when my mother woke me up at 7.40am today, I told her I wasn't going.. Then when she went out of the house, my alarm went off.. And I decided I shall go after all. Started raining just awhile before I left the house but since I was in a hurry, I just rushed out and didn't bother to bring an umbrella. Was quite drenched by the time I reached the bus stop. A little bit late for the designated meeting time of 8.45am. But we lagged around alot. Those from 4H are like.. Only me and Spencer ._. Nice one. Then collected my tin can at around 9.15am and set off for harbourfront. Collection was alright today. Didn't really have much energy to be enthusiastic and ask for donations. Aching all over by the time it ended at 1pm. Rushed back to JE to turn in the can. Went to IMM for lunch at BK and alot of lagging around :D And then, took 99 home. Saw Mr Lee our ex-chem teacher in my neighbourhood, and got stunned, LOL. Don't knw what he's doing over here. Hmm.. Then reached back home.. Fell asleep at 7pm.. Woke up at 12am ._. Which is why I managed to finally change my blogskin and still active at this time. Alrights, probably gna sleep soon. Lol, I feel like a pig but whatever man. Nothing better to do anyways. Good night, world. Back from Hiatus Saturday, August 23, 2008 Hello people, I have revived my blog from the blank white spaces and a tombstone with the word 'Hiatus' on it. So shall just post a short entry now, since my eyes are threatening to close out on me. I hope I don't start typing gibberish. Have decided to not reply tags because they are so, so outdated. Yeah, so sorry taggers. The past week was just common tests week.. 5 days, 7 papers. Not going to do well this time at all, it feels exactly the same way as term 1 when I screwed every paper up and got my horrendous GPA of 1.4. It isn't as bad this time, but bad enough still. I guess I'm only going to manage to pass the launguage papers, and if I'm lucky, history. After the last paper had quite abit of fun travelling to a few places doing stupid things ._. Was really tired that day, but enjoyed myself (: Today was rather tiring as well. Considered rather attentive during lessons both yesterday and today. Slept late at night but higher leevel of concentration.. Perhaps I'm just meant to sleep late or something =/ Ohwell. Had soccer training today as well.. Super tiring even though training was cut short due to a downpour. Played fine today but aching all over now zzz.. Gna need to start studying if I want to make up for the lost grades in this common test. I can't afford to lose anyth anymore. Anyway yes, I received a nice pair of black NF shorts from LOH YUNYI (Yeah, she requested for her big name to be in pink ._.) and a kitkat twin bar. So, this part of my entry is dedicated to her. Thank you yunyi! Something which I found meaningful in the note that she wrote for me: "Not only so, we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we knw that sufferings produce perseverance, perseverance, character; and character, hope." Pictures will be up next post, which will be pretty soon. Tmr perhaps. Finding the momentum to blog regularly again. For now, this shall suffice. Keep Holding On Monday, August 4, 2008 Haven't updated for really long. Don't have time. Don't have mood. Whatever else. Decided E&C week events are too much and too long for me to update about, so shall just post the pictures the next time.. Whenever that is, I have no idea either. When I feel like it.. I guess this update is just to tell people that I'm not dead. Though pretty close to it already. Don't knw what I'm feeling. The thin piece of thread I'm hanging on to feels like it's breaking anytime now. I'm wearing thin down to the core and I have lost my right to express my emotions. Things just can't get more screwed than this. Mentally strong is one thing, but that doesn't mean there is no threshold to it. It just about feels like it's brimming and threatening to overflow. Got something to say? Keep it to yourself, because I'm not interested to knw a single shit from anyone. So what do I do now, shut up and wait for it to tide over huh? Yeah, that's what I am expected to do anyway isn't it. |
Profile ![]() Sinyee. 17. Headstrong Wants a day of extensive retail therapy, good food and fun. Tagboard (: others 2Complicated '06 <33. Hapsburg! RVFBT! RVTT. Ariel. Ayesha. Beishan. ChenTao. ChingXin. Chiouyih. Eileen. Irene. Jaslin. Jasmine. Jennings. Junhao. Kailin. Matthias. Michelle. Mingjie. Pei Qi. Peishi. Rachel. Sara. Sharman. Shaun. Sherry. Shiyuan. Sinyee. Sylvia. TayLin. Tzeteng. Weikai. Winnie. Xinyu. Yanjie. Yeejin. YingYing. Yuhong. Yunrou. Yunyi. Zhijun. Blogskins. Imageshack. Imeem. Mixpod. Photobucket. Archives Credits Layout : Janani. Inspiration : Daphne. Icon : black-balloonxx. Lyrics : The Climb. |