D'you knw Monday, June 30, 2008 I knw you mean well, I knw you're just trying to help. But I want you to get this, I don't need help. I have been trying to tell you nicely from the start, I knw you feel compelled to help me. But I don't need it. I am not rejecting your help, but I can handle it wholly on my own. And I do not wish for others to interfere in my matters. It is really as simple as that. Just give me some space. What next? Saturday, June 28, 2008 Finally time for an update. Replies to tags: Yunyi> Lols. I am not scary if no one comes along to irritate me. Irene> OMG you are mad, girl. Relax la, private joke don't put it out here ._. Owl Subject> LOL yep. You too. Go catch some mice, if not you'll get fat. Yijun> Yeah right, I owe damn alot more like! Zzz.. And yeah, not screwed now anymore. Which is a good break, I'm so tired ._. Chingxin> Hmm okay. Yeah school.. Zzz.. ---- School's been real hectic in this first week back. It's just been a crazy time, I couldn't find the time to update much. So shall backtrack abit on some interesting things which happened in the past week.. My mother's away in Malaysia for the week, so it's like I have to rush home everyday to prepare dinner and do the chores. You should see all the incredulous faces when I said i need to prepare dinner. LOL. 2406 - Tuesday Okay, lessons on tuesday was quite alright, albeit abit long after break. New chem teacher's interesting, lol. So after school, didn't have to rush home that day, so I took my own sweet time. Went out with Zhijun and Sherry to have lunch at vivo's LJS. Been quite long since I last ate fastfood, lol. Wanted to do some overdue homework with them. Yet ended up telling them the totally gruesome story of Saw 3 that still haunts me now and then. Zzz. Left the place around 5pm and went back to school in the hopes of completing some homework. Stoned at my history readings, couldn't concentrate. Left school at after CCA time. 2506 - Wednesday Hmm, went for the farewell lunch for STEP camp '08 people. Saw Tutu there again. Didn't have any of the buffet lunch because I was still feeling too full from break. After that, went to the hall to watch the youth day performances. Just missed Tzechong's beatboxing in action when I went in, aww.. Anyway, it was great and went back to class. Then went to Changi Airport to send the STEP people off. I reached the place at 4.45pm, walked around Terminal 2 like some idiot, and Lin was lagging my text. Then I remembered something they are going to do at Terminal 3 so I took the skytrain there, meanwhile still looking like an idiot ._. Finally found them, only at like close to 6pm after walking around so much, they were in T3 alright. The only reason they were taking so long was because of all the photo-taking sessions along the way. Well, typical. Everyone was stunned to see me there, so well.. Just walked around with them before returning to T2 to check in. The teary goodbyes beat that of 2 years ago. Almost everyone there was crying to see the buddy go. Okay, except me, since I didn't spend a week with them. And I gave Tutu what I made for her (: ![]() Collage with pictures of us, Lin and special appearance of my brother. LOL. ![]() Teary-eyed Tutu, last goodbye. But then I knw, this will be another one of those friendships across borders, that's gna last. Just like how it did from 2 years ago. Went to Swensens with the STEP singapore buddies and played a real fool there. Especially Lin, but then all of us there knw what's the joke. Haha. Spent a long time there before finally set on return journey at 7.50pm. Totally fell asleep standing on the MRT and reached home at 9.25pm. Didn't manage to do homework again. Aye.. =/ 2606 - Thursday One of the days I had to rush home from school. This time tied down with physics file corrections and stuff. But I still managed to leave school by 3.30pm and get home on time to prepare dinner. Changed seating arrangement, now my table partner is Jonny (who is like super hiong, especially in math) Thought this arrangement that I discussed with Mr Tan was pretty good, but turned out that still quite a number of people complaining. Well. Just can't please everybody. Had double math lessons, but it turned out fine. Nothing much for the day. & Happy belated birthday Lihui :D 2706 - Friday Totally woke up late today, like 6am? But didn't rush around too much, was too tired to get my gears going. So walked slowly to the bus stop and everyth, and took the really crowded 100. Zzz.. Reason why I like to go to school early: Avoid the morning rush-hour crowd. Serious unbearable. Lessons were fine, had my LA speech today which I had only just completed final editting one lesson before LA ._. But it was alright, did relatively well. Dry humour and stuff. Totally embarrassing when I pronounced the same word wrongly twice, lol. Induced enough laughter and entertainment anyway, since I talked about hell. So yes, after school also had to leave school by 3.30pm, but had some time to lag. Met Yangling in the hall, since she wanted to practice her 2.4km rum. That lazy girl was grumbling that she's so tired and can't carry on when we barely reached 3 rounds! And then she started walking, so then we slacked :D Then she went on to training with the B boys and since it was still early. I went to join the soccer training. Mad I knw, but that's gna be my future CCA anyway. No point running way because it'll probably come after me. It felt like the sun could melt me if it wanted to, only 4 girls turned up for training. Was pretty okay, perhaps abit tough but manageable. Feeling really worn out and aching everywhere, especially where I suspect I pulled a muscle, though it doesn't feel like something that serious. Then the coach let me leave at 3.30pm, 'threatening' to kick a ball at me if I don't return for training next week, lol! But then again, it feels good to be actually having some CCA to go to again, some form of training. To belong somewhere again. Instead of forever slacking off, and it's like nobody needs you around anymore and you get forgotten as the days get by. Neither here nor there. Sickening stuff. So got home and did the usual. Sat down to do homework and fell asleep -.- So I went to sleep and only woke up at 10pm, by a phone call, as always. Lol. && Happy birthday Melvin :D Was feeling rather agitated awhile ago, when everyth seemed super screwed. But I am so glad that everyth's fine again. What with all the misunderstandings, and more trouble yet. Now everyth's okay. More than enough emotional turmoil I'd need for a week. But I'm still living. Those imbecilic nonsense shall not get me down, vent and forget, vent and forget. I must get used to this soon, because I knw I'm stronger than this. Don't want to carry on feeling pathetic about things that can screw me up so easily. Confused. Mixed feelings. What next? Got to have to catch up with all the stuff I'm lagging behind in. So little time.. ---- As for that, like I said. I just wanted to be alone for awhile. And things are still the same. Nothing has changed. Sorry if I've been harsh or unkind that morning, I really knw that you meant well, but I really feel so tired from so many things I can't really be bothered to masked them up anymore. I can't force myself to be like a cheerful girl like how you can be, when I really don't want to do it. I don't need others telling me what to do because I knw what I want for myself. In case you're thinking, I am not unsure, not regretful. I knw for a sure fact that this is what I want. Being alone is what I want. And till I decide that it might not be, don't try to change my mind. Don't preach about how life has its ups and downs, I knw all of that already, don't need to be reminded, because it changes nothing but only add on to the misery. Don't give me apologies because this has nothing to do with you, you don't owe me any, and apologies are not what I want. I expect nothing from you, because most, or rather all of the shizz happening in my life, has got nothing to do with you at all. Thanks for trying to bring me out of it but no thanks, I can do it on my own. Own time own pace, I'll come out of it when I feel like it. You want me to be myself, want me to be frank with you. This is all the frankness you can get. I am not used to it, don't think I ever will. Perhaps it just doesn't work with people I didn't start out close with. You're a great girl, but I want to go my own way. I hope you understand, the way I think you will. I'm sorry but I guess I am still more used to being on my own. Whatever Monday, June 23, 2008 My posts are getting shorter and shorter by the day. First day of school was fine. Not alot of lessons, no teachers demanded for homework to be submitted. But I'm still pretty much dead. Since the homeworks have to be handed in like, tmr. Yeah, one day grace. Very helpful indeed ._. Nothing much to say about school today. Still trying to finish off some homework now. But I can't finish them, I'm sure. And I'm already feeling so shagged. Zzz.. Oh yeah, saw Tutu today with Lin and the rest. Haha. Gna go send them off on Wednesday. Rushed home after school. Anyway, to you: Want to knw what's my problem? How about tell me yours? I so did not rat on you and your crazy partner to him, okay. So, don't put words into my mouth. The facts are the facts, and they won't change. Much as you don't think that you're in the wrong, we all knw you are. Sad fact, but accept it, man. Has it ever occurred to you that things happen for a reason? Everyth observes that basic logic. Why would I change rooms out of nothing? Why would I walk out on you guys for no reason? Why would I show you my black face for nothing? Why do you think he told you people to be more sensitive? No reasons? Ha. Try again. Tell you the truth? I was majorly freaked out by you people alright. Now tell me, what's the big deal around here huh? Maybe you should learn to keep your opinions to yourself. Oh whatever, I really don't give a shit to what you want to think. Doomed I don't knw what am I doing still sitting here typing this post when all I really want to do now is fall into bed, and sleep. Been trying to fill in my green STEP booklet, and I wound up having mostly blanks because I can't find answers even on the net. And it's like, long forgotten stuff that I'd saw there. And my daily reflections. Zzz.. Though I feel a sense of accomplishment that I am finally free from my guiding sessions and that I'd done quite some homework today, there's still so much manzz. I want to sleep but if I go sleep now I'll get owned by B.tan tmr. Guess there's no way out but trudge on... The end of holidays are always such a pain. Back to school in less than 10 hours. Seriously, hope it's a good day. Yeah and Tutu will be in RV tmr. Hoho. Somehow, it still doesn't change the fact that I'm so doomed. Emotional meltdown Sunday, June 22, 2008 It's already past 12 midnight. And I'm supposed to be off already. But I want to rush this post out first. Nothing much actually. I didn't do anyth productive except read Hong Lou Meng. School's reopening in less than 48 hours, yet so much is not done. Gna go for my last guiding session tmr, then head off to the library to do homework alone. Haven't decided which library, but most probably alone. Unless anyone is joining, which I doubt. Need to do some mad rushing. Tmr's the last day I have. School's reopening. Mixed feelings. I kind of miss school, but I'm not ready to go back yet. Ohwell, still got to face the truth some time. Anyway, some emotional meltdown last night. I guess I really am that stressed out. So yes, thanks Chiouyih and Yunyi. I really felt that lost and didn't knw what to do. Thanks and sorry to you. Because even at this time you had to be so understanding.. Shagged Friday, June 20, 2008 Absolutely shagged. Past midnight yesterday, received a call that set my andrenaline rushing at mad speed. Yeah, I was damn overwhelmed, because it isn't the first time that a thing like this had happened. And somehow, somehow. I always get dragged down in their sick little mindless games. Anyhow, people who knw what I'm talking about, knws what everyth is about. No need to elaborate much because it's not like such a glorious thing to publicise anyway. And I started spamming IMs to whoever's still online at that hour trying to get some information, to no avail. Was talking with Chiouyih online till like 3.20 am before we both decided to go to sleep. The moment I hit the 'Sign Out' key, the door to my parents' bedroom opened and my father came out. And basically, I got owned. Which explains why from today onwards I have to turn off the computer and go sleep or do my homework like a good girl by 12 midnight. Nice one. So anyway, I went to school early this morning to meet Irene, to supposedly do homework. Well, productivity is expected anyway. Couldn't really concentrate much since I was so tired. Lagged around and then went to join the B boys extra training in the hall which just made me more shagged. Received a few texts in between which again, provoked my andrenaline level. Felt at a loss and didn't really knw what to do. Spammed my texts to people again. And discussed the matter over lunch with Chiouyih. Planned to go out for lunch, but coach very nicely treated me and Irene and brought our lunch back to school. Yeah then went hall to train with Irene for about 30 minutes before going to the canteen to look for Zhijun. Went to the chapel. Training was quite good but felt like dying after an hour or so. So went to slack instead. Changed and left school at around 4pm. Took 97 back home and so then. Damn tired. Anyway. Everyth's already resolved, and thanks to everyone who shared this burden with me while I was so darn worried both last night and today afternoon. I hope something like this never happens again. Like never ever again. People should really knw how to start thinking for themselves and not let others worry for them. ---- If everyth's really gna be as easy as you said it to be. Sometimes no amount of support, no amount of faith can bring me through. I'm losing heart, because I'm really tired out from everyth. I'm not even expecting anyth anymore. I will not be thinking too much, or asking for too much. I'll learn to sit and wait. Sit and wait. 4H chalet Didn't update yesterday, because I was rushing out my STEP overall reflections to send and I was already too tired by the time I finished it. So shall do abit of backtracking now and post about 4H's June chalet, that just ended yesterday. 1606 - Monday Woke up at 7am to prepare to go for guiding. Didn't send a notification email to ACM this time round because it was too late anyway by the time I decided to go. Was a little late, and I reached at 9.15am. Was a little weird because the two side doors weren't open, and only the middle one was. When I approached, the automatic doors didn't open as well. So I stepped back. And looked at the board outside. Opening hours: Monday - 1pm Tuesday to Sunday - 9am Like what the shizz ._. Felt totally like a retard, I've been ACM's student guide for 1 year and I don't even knw they open at 1pm on Mondays. Zzz. So anyhow, I didn't knw what to do at 9.30am, because I'm only supposed to meet the 4H people at 12pm at Vivo. So I took 97 to Marina Square's macs to do some homework ._. Left to meet Zhijun at Vivo to pass her my training stuffs. She lagged around with me while I waited for my class people to gather. Thee people who went to buy food at Vivomart are Sylvia, me, Chentao, Nelson, Jianlong, Jonny, Sweecheng, Acer, Junhao, Melvin, Yuhong, Yufan, Vincent and Jiachen. We got everyth pretty fast, and took MRT to Pasir Ris to check in. My father was already there waiting for us, and the guys immediately went into the room to set up their PS2. Me and Sylvia just sat in the sitting room watching TV and waiting for more people to come. Then we started preparing food around 5pm and the guys went to start the fire for the BBQ. Nothing much all the while. Then received a text from Mr Tan that he's gna reach in an hour's time, which is really unexpected. So I rushed out of the chalet to White Sands mall to buy his birthday cake. Met Yanyi at the bus stop, and I was like shouting to her 'Stay there!' when she was getting off the bus, LOL. So at least got someone to accompany me there. Bought the cake and went back. We gave Mr Tan a surprise. Oh yeah he brought his girlf, but to protect the privacy of others, I shall not post her photo. ![]() Yaye, happy 26th birthday Mr Tan! (: Okay, he stayed till around midnight and then later a bunch of us went out to buy some stuffs. And then, we went to the Redhouse. Like... I didn't expect it. I didn't want to go at first, but Sylvia just assured me that we'll stop going if she feels anyth, so I just went ahead. Didn't feel very scared actually. Then we just walked back to the chalet and started to have a ghost story telling session in the sitting room which turned into a racist joke session ._. Then at around 4 to 5+am, people started falling asleep. I went into the room and started chatting with Sylvia and Sweecheng. Then started waking people up, whoever had to go for cca because it was like 6am.. And then it's Tuesday. 1706 - Tuesday Didn't do anyth but fall in and out of sleep in the early morning. The chalet was only left with the guys who hiong-ed their PS2 the whole night and Kristie and I. I fell asleep on the sofa and when I woke up, the guys were talking about going to the arcade or something. So I decided to go with them, since I had nothing to do and I locked up the chalet. The guys went for brunch at macs while me, Kristie, Kunhong and Jonny went to the arcade at White Sands. Then Pearly, Phyllis and Rousi came also. Kept receiving calls from Sharm that the NP people are locked outside the chalet, and so I decided to go back when Sweecheng and Acer reached back Pasir Ris after training because people wanted to go back in and I'm the only one with the key. The NP people weren't there when we reached. The two guys went to sleep and the NP people came back. Watched TV for awhile before deciding to watch Saw 3 in the room. So Acer got woken up and watched with us too. It's like damn gross and gory that Swee bailed after the show ran for 10 minutes or so. And I would say that's a smart move. I totally felt like vomiting after watching it and to think we still had all the food to prepare.. But I was quite slack, didn't do much. Everyth was done by Sharm, Lau and Chiouyih.. Then some guys went swimming, lol. Sneak peek? Haha. ![]() Haha, these guys are like damn funny please. Left to right: Acer, Jiachen, Junhao, Vincent, Jonny, Swee, Kunhong, Yufan. BBQ that night was alot better. Didn't have enough food on first night. Yijun brought some food and charcoal over because her class bought too much and couldn't finish them. Then Mr tan came again and stayed till really late and all. And I thought people should be more tired on the second night. But everyone was so active. Some playing cards, some mahjong that Swee and Acer brought back, and some PS2 while me, Sylvia and Sharm talked in the room. Fell asleep subsequently. 1806 - Wednesday Didn't do much until checking out. Yijun came to meet me for training, had breakfast at macs and parted ways with 4H. Called Lin to ask if it was okay to go to her house. But by the time we reached Serangoon MRT I was feeling damn shagged to go take a bus to her house, of which we had to leave for training shortly. So just waited for her there. Met Irene on bus 166. Training was alright, played surprisingly well. Yeah like coach always says, I always play well when I don't sleep. And I fell asleep there for awhile before training with coach. Then that wasn't good. Then I paired with coach for doubles' match against Sherry and Zhijun. Won 3-0 because it's well, coach. LOL. Feeling totally shagged, went home with Sherry and updated her about stuffs on the way. Yeah that's about it. 1906 - Thursday I turned off my alarm at 8am today and fell back to sleep. Didn't wake up will 11am. Done the chores I'm told to do. Settled down to do my chinese homework and talking random crap with Irene. Went back to sleep at 2pm because I was feeling so tired and woke up at 6pm. Half a day gone, but finally not feeling that shagged. Lagged and done my chinese, finally. Then salcking here. Ohwell. Nothing much today since I was sleeping most of the time. Gna go to school with Irene later to do some homework, and then on to training. Last one for the holidays. Hope it'll be good. And Lin is at STEP camp now! She didn't get Tutu as her buddy thought. Ohwell. ---- I'm tired. Things are gna be so difficult, and I'm so afraid I can't do it. I need all the luck I can have, and all the effort. Sometimes I just wna give up. I'm tired. I so am. So little time.. Tired Monday, June 16, 2008 ![]() Like, yeah. Hell tired. But not of waiting. Today was just downright tiring from the start till the end. And I am sitting here thinking of all the things I have yet to do, but am going away for chalet later already. Just kind of killed the spirit, yeah. So little time.. So anyway I slept at like 4.30 am, and that's one reason why I'm so shagged today. Anyway at like 4.20am, while I was doing laundry (yes at 4+ am ._.), I heard a series of crazily loud honks from cars that didn't stop till like 10 seconds later. Irritating as hell and I could see 3 cars driving into the carpark below. People who got out of the car started talking loudly and I even saw camara flashes. I don't knw what they were doing, just that it woke my father up and he asked me why was I sleeping so late, tsk. Stupid, inconsiderate people. Seeing Yanyi posting about the same irritating car honkings, I wonder if it's the same group of people. I didn't hear anyone shouting the love vows or whatever though. But Boonlay to CCK? Weird. So.. My handphone alarm rang at 8am, and I switched it off and got back to sleep, thinking that Sharm's coming at 9am and it's still early. Slept too late and the next time I woke up was actually already 10.30am. No texts, no missed calls from Sharm either. So I texted her to ask if she's still coming over. Started to marinate the 6kg worth of chicken wings by 11am. It was hell of a chore trying to do it all on my own. I was only done by like 1pm, and two hours of bending my neck hurts. Zzz.. But whatever, it's done and all's good. Next, made the chocolate cornflakes, and it was another hour of neck-aching work. Then I decided to continue with the chocolate cornflakes at night and went out to meet Yanyi to collect the chalet money from her. Then I went to the Giant hypermart at IMM to check out the prices of some stuffs we had to buy tmr. Estimated mostly quite accurate. Then left after everyth was done. Went back home after getting some stuffs from the supermarket downstairs. Already feeling very tired but still had the chocolate cornflakes to finish, tsk. My father helped mostly, now I have got to go pack them all into a box so my father can bring it to the chalet tmr. I basically just have to bring myself, the rest is taken care of. So yep, feeling aboslutely shagged. Chalet's tmr. Kind of looking forward because I knw it will surely be fun. Moreover Mr Tan is coming over on the second day, even better :D Yeah but going to the chalet means alot of time taken up.. Alright not like I'll be productive or anyth. It's way past mignight so 4H chalet is today! &&, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR TAN CY! (: Okay I'm not supposed to splash this all over my blog, but whatever! LOL. Oh yeah, was fathers' day an hour and 15 minutes ago. Hmm, was too busy with the chalet stuffs and so didn't have the time to make anyth for my father. Okay, excuses ._. But yep, even though my father wouldn't read this, I still want to say them. Sometimes I find you unreasonable, sometimes really annoying. But more than anyth, most times you've been patient towards me and my tempers. I knw it isn't easy, it has never been, so just want to say that I think you've been great and always there for me. making things right, even when I feel like I'm gna be done with. Thanks for everyth for the past 16 years. (: Okay time for some packing. My last guiding session comes tmr, then fun awaits. For now, sleep. Madness Sunday, June 15, 2008 One word to sum up today: Madness. A summary of where I went today and what for. JE to West Mall, to Lot 1, to IMM then back home. All for a pair of shoes. That stupid pair of flats. Really regret not buying it yesterday on the spot in Causeway Point. Zzz.. Went for guiding today. Nothing much, all the usual except that I went into their new special exhibition gallery on Vietnam. Then I left the place and took 97 back to JE. And then something damn embarrassing happened. Because I only slept for like 5 hours, I fell asleep on the bus. And nobody bothered to wake me up. So I went into the bus parking lot with the bus. Tsk. Frigging embarrassing please. Then went to West Mall in search of that pair of flats and to look at some other stuffs. Saw Chentao there and was damn stunned. Then I found the pair of flats. Texted my mother to ask if it's okay to buy it. She took so long then I lagged for a long long time. And decided to just go off. So I got on the MRT and my mother replied 'ok'. . Felt like killing people. Then U-turned back. Went in. And asked the person for size 7. He went in for a long time, then came out and 'No size 7.' And then I asked for 8, he said 'Only left with all the size 6.' And I can't fit size 6! Grahh.. Then since I already turned back, wasn't about to give up so soon. Took 985 I think, to Lot 1 to check it out. But I wasn't even sure if there's Bata there. So when I went up the escalator and saw it right there I was thinking, 'I'm in luck..' Apparently not so. The size on display was 6 again, and I asked for size 7. Then the guy was turning in to retrieve it when he colleague said, 'This is the last piece le what..' Then the guy turned and 'Last piece...' Sian. Feel more like killing people. Decided to go for one last shot, IMM. Then I went in, couldn't find the shoes and had this sinking feeling.. Then I walked somemore and saw it in a corner then my mood soared. The shoe on display was size 6 as well. And I was almost praying when I asked the shop assistant for size 7 and await judgement. She stared at it awhile. 'Eh this one last piece leh.' -Deflates- My last hope's gone too. So then I decided to just give up the search and go get the stuff to make chocolate cornflakes for tmr. And then I walked by a shop selling shoes. And saw a pair of flats similar to the one I was looking for. 5 bucks cheaper and according to my mother, nicer than the one I initially wanted. So yes, good thing after running all over. Alrights, I'm shagged. Sharm's coming over at 9am later on. Tsk look at the time now. G'night people, whoever's still alive. Sheer willpower Saturday, June 14, 2008 I'm doing a quick one. Went out with my mother and brother today. To Causeway Point, because we have 3 free Cathay movie tickets (: We caught the 1.25pm show for The Happening because Indiana Jones wasn't available. It's kind of sadistic and gross, but pretty nice. Ending's kind of abrupt too. Overall, still alright. Then went to walk walk around. Then returned to JP where my brother went back for tuition and me and my mother continued to shop. Initially saw a pair of flats at Causeway but didn't buy it because it was the last piece and I didn't want something that dozens of people tried on before =/ But turns out that JP doesn't have it, tsk. Bought a pair of black skinnies and a MYUK sling. The bag isn't exactly what I initially asked for, but it still looks pretty good and all. So decided to take it. The best thing? Not paying a single cent for any of the above :D Overall, friday the 13th, was a friggin' good day. Yeah. ---- I'm staring at it like I'm trying to make it happen by my sheer will. I'm willing it to happen. But no, I tried all I can. But it's final, the end. I've won the bet that I don't wna win. Awakening Friday, June 13, 2008 ![]() This is the new beginning. My awakening. Nothing much on today. Intended to wake up at 8.30am to do homework, but ended up lazing till 9.30am. And since my pig brother was still asleep, and didn't look like he was gna wake up anytime soon, I had no place to study, so I decided to go out to the frontier library to mug alone. Did math and read some books. Stayed for like 6 hours there alone and it was so cold, even with my jacket on. But well, it was no achievement though I do feel some sense of it, since today's by far the most productive day I've had for ages. And tmr, shopping with my mother. Watching some movie as well, Indiana Jones I think. Hope it will be good. Been going out alot, spending alot especially. Trying to curb my expenses these days. I still have yet to pay for the class chalet coming in just a few days' time and of course, to recover the rest of it. Feeling a little worn out from many things. Not just physically. Yes. But I guess, all things I've known by now is enough to make my mind up for me. I've been thinking alot the past few days, about so many things of my life. My passiveness, my denial, my reluctance and all that angst, towards what really? I don't knw. I want to put an end to this irritating passiveness. this little voice that comes into my mind everytime I have the slightest bit of deviation of opinions from my norm. Y'knw I really don't knw what happened to me, and my thinking. Towards everyth. It just seems that things have changed and I am not that ready to adapt to it. Somehow, somehow. I guess now's the time. From the time I sat in Sakae with the rest, I felt it again. The feeling of being with the crowd, laughing about the same things, and just being there and having fun. Somehow. It's gna start all over again, yes, with different people. Completely different people. And yes, those who knw it. I knw I can. Because the place had always been waiting for me to go back. New beginning awaits. Study date Wednesday, June 11, 2008 Okay, so today went on a supposed study date with Taylin, Yijun and Irene at vivo. Was on time and met the rest. Went for lunch at Kopitiam first and lagged for awhile before going to Coffee Bean to study. Given my current financial status (broke as hell), I was scouting for the cheapest stuffs around and yeah, Coffee Bean isn't exactly the place to go. But that's okay, Lin is in the same boat as me, heh. So while Irene and Yijun have their nice lattes, me and Lin go for cheap drinks from Vivomart. Okay, that's quite pathetic but beggars can't be choosers aye. So, I didn't really do much. The whole time I was very slowly reading the LA comprehension passage and trying to digest it. So I only completed that. And Lin and Yijun likes to do funny things! Lin likes hiding people's stuff, Yijun likes to write on people's work, LOL. Yeah, me and Irene are the only sane people around, lol! ![]() Just look at what Yijun wrote on Irene's si han that made us laugh like hell because the character Irene was writing to was apparently some fat guy instead of a very handsome person, lol. ![]() And this was on Lin's bio assignment. "Hohoho heehaws! I love haemoglobin!!!" LOL. We talked about alot of random things there, like dreams and ambitions all of that. Quite interesting to discuss all this with them. Okay, then we left Coffee Bean at around 5.30pm and went to the skypark. And took alot of funny photos there. ![]() ![]() Yijun and Lin were tryna act like they are fighting. But I feel like they are both trying to dig Lin's nose or something, HAHA =x ![]() Acting dao. ![]() Tryna act depressed. Irene and Yijun represent the early stages. Apparently Lin has reached insanity. Haha. ![]() "Oh shut up, we're trying to think!" LOLL. Okay then took MRT back home. Should be mugging (or not) tmr, but whatever it is, will do it alone. And I'm still friggin' broke. Gahs. For once I managed to blog before 12mn ._. Till next time. Sakae! Oh yes, today was our mini outing to supposed Seoul Garden. The people who went were: Sylvia, Kristie, me, Jieren, Sweecheng, Acer, Melvin and Yuhong. I reached a little past our meeting time of 1pm at Marina Square and met with Sylvia then Kristie, then Yuhong. Jieren and Melvin came shortly after and we all waiting for Sweecheng and Acer to come. Didn't go for Seoul Garden in the end because there were too many people in there. So we took quite a long time deciding, camping in front of the mall directory, before finally deciding on Sakae Sushi. And since the buffet starts at 3pm, we still had 45 minutes to lag. Went to the arcade. Sylvia, Kristie and I played that bishi bashi machine and it's damn funny because we have 6 credit and we died just one game before completion. The 3 of us played together and helped out and it was damn fun :D Then we went and watched Yuhong play Parapara. Super cute, haha. Pictures: ![]() Taken by Melvin (: ![]() 4H register #13, #14 and #15! Okay so we entered Sakae and started crazy ordering. I swear we ate damn alot. Like 50+ plates of sushi and other stuff? Then at the end, we started to finish off the food by playing zhong ji mi ma then truth or dare. Got some funny dares and crap. LOL. Was damn funny. Too bad we forgot to ask the people to help all of us take a photo together aye. Then left because Kristie had to rush home for tuition. Then they took the red line up from Cityhall towards JE, which takes us 53 minutes. Melvin decided to alight at the next stop, Dhoby Ghaut and go home. And i decided to join him when the train reached Newton. So he waited for me at Raffles Place.. And then, we went home. Yep, now up next will be 4H chalet which is next week. Coming damn fast and still have lots of stuffs to settle. People respond! And pay up for the food, or we'll all eat grass during chalet ._. And yes class blog's moved, please get it from my links. Random shots: ![]() Hapsburgers in Thailand! ![]() I love my pencilcase (: Alright, shall end off here. Going out on study date tmr with my dear girlfs and Irene! Hopefully productive eh =x Ultimate RVTT outing Tuesday, June 10, 2008 Today was supposedly the Ultimate RVTT outing that everyone had been talking about for so long and have gotten so excited over. Yeah, supposedly. Because it really isn't. I mean, yeah it was okay. But just okayyyyyy. Not terribly fun like how we have anticipated it to be. Or perhaps not. I kind of knew it was gna be a bit off-course and stuff from the start, because there were majority of alumni going back instead of the current RVTT memebers. Precisely why the 'Ultimate'. Alright, accidents do happen, shall just forget about it. So, met up the bunch at Harbourfront MRT at a little past 11 in the morning. Then while they were still waiting for some people who were late, I dragged Yijun, Taylin, Irene and Pinning with me to go eat brunch. Went to Superdog. The place was super cold ._. We talked alot about spirits and ghosts and all that. Freaked Taylin out, hahaha. Then took the monorail to Sentosa to meet the bunch previously. Walked to the Siloso beach and found the guys already playing soccer. So the 5 of us just went down to the water and started playing around. After awhile, got quite sian. The main thing is just this, too little people and very separated and lack of a decent ball. So couldn't play properly. I think the last outing at Sentosa was even better than this despite the raining. Ohwell. The 5 of us left for vivo after awhile. Ate at food republic, and I could only eat porridge because of the stupid ulcers, tsk. Then we walked around all that. Saw the STEP people who went for outing today too, which Yuhui kept insisting that I pangseh him when I didn't even say I'll go in the first place -.- Okay whatever. Then returned home with Yijun. Super tired. Grahh. And I am sunburnt zzz. Pictures: ![]() The 5 of us (: ![]() Okay, haha. Don't ask me what we were tryna do. ![]() Yijun's hand! Mousie says: "Nope, you're not seeing me. Look away" LOLL. Okay that's all. Going out tmr with the people yesterday for lunch at Seoul Garden. -Broke- Yeah, that explains everyth. OH AND MELVIN IS COMING BACK! . So I'll go :D Madness Monday, June 9, 2008 Okay, got tagged by Eileen. So shall do it. Instructions: Remove one question from the above and add in your personal question to make it a total 20 questions. Then tag 8 people in your list. List them out at the end of your post. Notify them in their chatbox that he/she have been tagged. Whoever does the tag, would get blessing from all. Since she did 21 questions and I remove one, I'll still have 21. Ahwell. Here goes. 1. What is your favourite animal? Hamsters (: [But I love my bear Amour Emo too :D] 2. Who is the person you trust the most? Tsk. Myself. 3. Do you think you have enough confidence? Probably not, but actually it depends on what it is. 4. Who is the person that you confide in? Taylin, Yijun, Jianlong, Chienying. Take your pick, lol. 5. Are you satisfied with yourself? Hmm, I'm happy with who I am currently, though of course I can be better. 6. What are you afraid to lose the most? Trust and hope. 7. Do you believe in eternity love? Maybe not at this age, but I believe there will be such a thing when both parties are mature enough to commit in a serious relationship. 8. Have you broken someone's heart that he tried to commit suicide? Oh yeah right, I don't have that kind of charisma ._. 9. What do you like about yourself? I like that I'm frank. Even though I offend many people unknowingly, but being frank isn't easy, either. There's a fine line between being frank, and tactless ._. 10. What are the requirements that you wish from the other half? Hoho. Whatever I say here isn't gna be accurate because everyth still come to the word 'feelings'. 11. Do you cherish every friendship of yours? Those that stood the test of time, and love, that are worthy and true. 12. Do you treasure your family? Sometimes I feel like I hate all of them, I'm serious. But I knw that everyth I am today is because of my family. And yes, I am pretty damn glad I have them with me. Especially my parents who settle the difficulties for me (i.e. RVTT issues) and make things right again. 13. What do you dislike the most? Waiting. For buses, people etc. 14. Who do you hope to be always there for you? My parents, my juniors. 15. What do you regret most in life? .....Let me think..... 16. What kind of friend do you hope to be in your friend's eye? Dependable, trustible, fun to be with. Sadly, I'm far from that. 17. Do you love your friends? Well, those who deserve it. 18. Which date you like the most? My birthday? Haha. 19.If you have a dream to come true, what would it be? Shall give a different answer from yesterday. I want to resolve all the animosities I have with some people. 20. If you could travel in time and return to a phase of your life, which phase would it be and why? Primary school times, I suppose. Rather carefree, where friends like to compete about the dumbest things, and copy each other around. I do miss the times the girls played those games during the time before supplementary lessons. 21. If it's gna be the end of the world in 24 hours, what would you do? Let's go rob some shops ._. Okay, kidding. Actually, I don't knw. =/ Tagged: 1. Taylin 2. Jean 3. Yanyi 4. Sylvia 5. Jonathan 6. Josephine 7. Matthias 8. Whoever else is interested! ---- Okay, I'm shagged. And the ulcers in my mouth are hurting =/ Grr.. So today, had study date with Yanyi. She was late like.... Okay. I didn't study much. Got stuck at some stupid math question and couldn't move on. Then it was time to leave and meet the Hapsburgers going for Beautiful Sunday concert. Felt damn drained, probably because of the math, tsk. Were early and saw Sylvia and Jieren first. Then Acer and Jonathan and Yangjie too. Then met Kristie, Sweecheng, Yuhong and Vincent at the esplanade. Went in and sat at circle 3. Wasn't that bad because we were't that far from the stage. The music was great, but sadly I am not someone who knws how to appreciate good music yeah. After the concert, found Josephine and accompanied her to give flowers to her friends. Separated from the rest. Then we went to Marina Square and went to Andersen's Ice-cream where everyth was basically damn expensive and stuff. LOL. But I ate a brownie and Jo bought a milkshake which she complained wan't nice, lol. And I'm super broke zzz. Then saw the rest of the Hapsburgers at Han's and the two of us left. I waited for 97 for like damn long, tsk. And reached home at 8.30pm. Nothing much on, no homework done. And Ultimate RVTT outing tmr! loads of seniors are going back, hope that it will be a fun day then. Alright then. Random Sunday, June 8, 2008 I'm feeling really bored now, and a little turned off thinking about some things which are gna happen. Zzz. So after blog surfing around, decided to rip a blog quiz from a random someone's blog and do it. Alright, here goes. 1. What's the connection between you and the last person who called you? My father. The connection? Well, pretty obvious isn't it ._. 2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off? Yeah, most of the time when I sleep. 3. What happened at 10am today? I apparently just woke up. 4. When did you last cry? People who knw, knw. 5. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter? I've only eaten it with bread before ._. 6. What do you want in your life right now? Too many things I want. 7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood? I thought I was known for walking in the rain. I don't bother bringing umbrellas. 8. What's your favourite thing you have on your bed? Apart from the standard pillows, bolster and blanket, I have nothing else on it ._. 9. What bottom are you wearing now? Some brandless, ordinary shorts. 10. What's the nicest text in your inbox say? 'Happy birthday babe! :D I wanted to be the last cause people remember the first and last. But I think I can't stay up. Poop. But I knw you will remember mine :) I LOVE YOU MANYMANY! Present will come at a later date :) Sorry!' From Josephine (: 11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated? I don't knw, haven't been in one. 12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone? Nope. 13. What was the last movie you caught? P.S. I Love You? That's like friggin' long ago. 14. What are you proud of? My great juniors and friends (: 15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say? 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D SWEET SIXTEEN :D BF LE WOR XD' From Taylin. 16. What was the last song you sang out loud? Leona lewis - Bleeding Love. 17.Do you have any nickname? What are they? Nickname? TOH's becoming pretty official ._. 18. What does your last received text message say? Who was it from? I just deleted it. Was from Jianlong. 19. What time did you go to bed last night? Erm, 1+ am. 2o. Are you currently happy? Currently, sleepy is all I feel, and bored. 21. Who gives you the best advice? Chienying. 22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can? Haven't tried, not particularly interested to either. 23. Who did you talk with on phone last night? With no one. 24. Is anything bugging you right now? Yeah, like how the hell am I gna finish all my untouched homework by the time school reopens and how am I gna collect the chalet funds from people going to the upcoming 4H chalet. Tsk. 25. Who/What was the last thing/person to make you laugh? Taylin. 26. Do you wear toe sock? No. I think they make my feet look like hands, an observation from Daniel wearing them during STEP. 27. Who was the last person you missed a call from? Some unknown number when I was in Thailand. 28. Have you ever had your heart broken? I'd be lying if I said no. 29. What annoys you most in a person? I don't knw, probably irritating and hypocritical personas. 3o. Do you have a crush on anyone? Currently no. 31. Have you ever done cocaine? Do I look like someone who would? Tsk. 32. What is the colour of your room? Really, really pale green. 33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars? Nah, what's the fun of life with no one to spite? 34. Do you believe in the saying '' talk is cheap ''? It depends. 35. Who was the last person who lay in your bed? Me. 36.Who was the last person to hug you? My buddy, Tutu. 37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed? Oh yes, like when did I ever kiss somebody ... 38. Do you have a life? This is a hard one ._. 39. Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didnt? Er, no. 4o. What is the reason behind your profile song? Because it's nice? 41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream? I seldom have dreams, but incidentally last night I dreamt of my grandma who just passed away. 42. When was the last time you smiled? Watching the powerpoint presentation that Taylin gave me for my birthday. 43. Have you changed this year? Probably so. I've become more passive I guess. 44. What are you listening to right now? The sound of the fan and my fingers tapping on my keyboard. 45. Are you talking to someone when you are doing this? Who's still alive at this hour? Tsk. 46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed? That's quite a no-brainer. 47. Is there a quote you live by? Not particularly. 48. Do you want someone you cant have? I don't think it even matters whatever the answer is. 49. Have you ever played an instrument? Just did in Thailand. 5o. What was the worst idea you had in a week? The past week hasn't been very idea-generative. 51. What were you doing last night at 11 pm? Online, fixing the template of this blog. 52. Are you happy with your love life now? Oh yeah, if I even have got one. 53. What song describe your love life? Too many to name. 54. Does the person know that you like him/her? Who knws. 55. Who always make you laugh? TAYLIN! 56. Do you speak other languages other than English? Yeah, duh. I'm a chinese. 57. Are you blond? My hair's friggin' black. 58. What your middle name? Asians have middle names? At least I don't. 59. What are you doing tomorrow? Going for a study date with Yanyi in the morning, then meeting with the Hapsburgers for lunch. And going for a concert at the explanade in the afternoon. 6o. What do you think you are like? Unpredictable. 61. Who would you choose to die with ? What? I get to choose? 62. Where have you been today ? Apparently only my house, and the miserable jurong Point for a spin. 63. What game do you play often ? What, mind games? LOL. 64. Who are you missing right now ? Tsk. 65. If you've to choose between friends & love, who will you choose ? Friends have got love as well. 66. What are you doing right now ? This. 67. Which primary school are you from ? Xingnan. 68. Name 3 colours that you like ? Black, blue, lime green. 69. What emotion you like to show ? It depends on the mood. 70. What is life to you ? Like it or not, you get through it. 71.If you have something troubling you, what would you do ? Ramble about it to someone, or write it somewhere. 72. Who did you last chat in msn today ? Yanyi. 73. Who do you admire the most ? I don't knw, man. Perhaps someone who's in good control of herself at all times. 74. Which month are you born in ? May. 75. How are you feeling right now ? Irritated by the ulcers in my mouth and I can't even talk properly. Tsk. 76. What is the time now ? 1.33am 77. Where are you now? In my balcony. 78. What colour did you used to dye your hair ? Yeah, I did in primary 6. Brown. 79. Why are you doing this test ? Because I'm friggin' bored. 80. What would you do when you're moody ? Try and ramble, or just stay away from everyone and drown myself in emo songs. 81. At which age you wish to get married ? No earlier than 28. 82. Who is more important to you? Boyfriend/girlfriend,friends ? That has got to be friends. 83. Do you think you have enough confidence ? Probably not. 84. Who is the person you trust the most ? Myself. 85. If you have only one day left to live, what would you do ? Tell everyone I love and care for how I feel about them. Then crawl in some corner and die off alone. 86. If you can have a dream come true,what would it be? If there's even a minute possibility of it coming true.. 87. What is your goal for this year ? Overall GPA of 3.25 88.Do you think that it's stupid to do this 100 question quiz ? Well, I chose to do it, didn't I? 89. What feeling do you love most ? To love and be loved. 90. Do you really think it's global warming now? Go feel the heat in Thailand. 91. What feeling you hate the most ? Hopelessness. 92. Do you cherish every friendship of yours? Those that are true and worthy. 93. Do you believe in god? No. 94 . Who cares for you the most ? My parents, perhaps. 95.What do you think it's the most important thing in your life? Friends who understand and appreciate me for who I am, and not who they want me to be. 96. What you'll bring when you fight ? LOL. A parang maybe? 97. What have you regretted doing in your whole life ? Too many things to mention I guess. 98. What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you ? I feel like that rather often, and well. I get on with it. 99. What if your stead two-timed you ? ..... I am a rather violent and sadistic person. 100 . Love with a guarantee of heartbreak , or never to be loved at all ? And that'll be the former. Oh I'm finally done. Shall go sleep now, got to meet Yanyi in like 8 hours' time. G'night world. STEP 2008 (cont'd) Saturday, June 7, 2008 (Continued..) 0206 - Monday Thailand [Bangkok // Ayuttaya] My third day in Thailand, the first day of immersion programme at Samsen Wittayalai School. First up after breakfast, received one round of spot-check and lashing from teacher I/C ._. About our hair, skirt length, shoes and all that. Was a little late for school because of the crazy traffic jam while trying to get through the back door of the school, tsk. Waited for eons in their room for their morning assembly, and the buddy assigned to Chernyi, Yuhui and I, Tutu. Their morning assembly was really chaotic and even though they sang really loud, they fidgeted alot and almost no one recited their pledge. We were formally introduced to the school of 4000 pupils and were presented with a small garland each. ![]() Rotted by the last day. So went for our lessons, in their dance studio, another teacher was lecturing us about our skirt length again, tsk. I decided to go for the music class instead of the thai dancing and played a few instruments, like the angklung and flute. Then next, we went for home econs lesson. It was quite fun, and there's an obvious difference with their lesson and that in RV. For one thing, Mrs Chew would probably never let us get away with the amount of oil we spammed, LOL. The kuay teow we cooked was quite okay, except that it's damn spicy. But finished it anyway with the help of Wanglie ._. Was brought around the school by some buddies, and joined them in a game of catching. It's something you will never find 14 year-olds play in Singapore, and much less 16! It was fun and even the teachers played along, helping us out. While waiting, saw Bua of STEP camp '06 come back! And subsequently also met up with our STEP '06 buddies, Yui, Wan, Pin and Arm. It's really nice to have a reunion after 2 years. This friendship never died. Afternoon activities. Travelled for an hour or so to the ancient city of Ayuttaya. First stop, Bang Pa-In Summer Palace. Frigging grand and frigging hot sun shining down on us too ._. Sweated like some mad pig. Climbed up the pagoda where we could see a view of the whole place, and it's really big. ![]() ![]() The view from the pagoda. ![]() Just damn nice. For this place, we stayed the longest in the air-conditioned room. Mainly because, no one wants to get out into the hot sun again -.- Okay, then left for several temples next. Some of them are just ruins but very cool and magnificent. ![]() Sylvia and I, in Wat Thammikarat. It's that difficult to spell and pronounce ._. ![]() Majestic ruins. ![]() And another yet. Next, visit to the royal chapel of Wat Phra Si Sanphet. Let the pictures speak for itself (: ![]() 16 metres tall Buddha image. ![]() ![]() ![]() Headless statues. Some looted, some cut off by museums. ![]() After leaving this place, was time for dinner. We were supposed to go to their local night market after that, but the rain denied us of it, so had to return to the hotel and the usual bunch played cards in my room till lights out. ![]() Jonathan, Chernyi, Xueqiang, Zeming and Yufan on the swing at the dinner place. ---- 0306 - Tuesday Thailand [Bangkok] Second day of immersion at Samsen Wittayalai. Was sitting in their math lesson, and seriously, catch no balls ._. They are learning logic of which we have yet to touch on. But a girl, Mink, very kindly taught the very lost Chernyi, Yuhui and I what it all meant. Had english lesson, which I still did not understand because it was all in Thai ._. So I just chatted with my buddy and another girl Kel. Each lesson was 50 minutes long, and the chatting killed time. We attended the last lesson of the day, I don't knw what it is, but they were doing this EQ test. Had lunch and started playing games with our fellow RV students in the room again while waiting for the bus to come. Afternoon activity, only had one event on. The boat ride at Chao Phraya river. Nothing much actually, no pictures either because I fell asleep on the boat. It was an hour long manzz ._. Then because we had alot of free time that no one wanted to waste, we were given a 3 hour long shopping time at Siam Square. ![]() On the boat ride, using Jin's phone. Initially it was really sian and stuff, but it got better gradually and I bought quite alot of stuff. So overall it was a pretty good day, even if we had to walk 2km back to the hotel after taking their MRT. So ends my 4th day. ---- 0406 - Wednesday Thailand [Bangkok] My second last day spending in Thailand. In school, went for this prayers session with some monks. Buddhists among us (like me ._.) were told to sit in with the rest of the Thai Buddist students. I don't understand what the monks were preaching about so I didn't feel anyth in particular. Okay, not like I'm some faithful believer in Buddhism in the first place. Then, no lessons, went for this mini concert thing in their music room. A group was supposed to come up with an item, and 2 had to be singers and the rest dancers. Our group did the school mass dance All For One. Credits to Ayesha for teaching us the steps, and it was alright. Not great but enough. Was super entertained by Weikai's group which did Dancing Queen. It was super hilarious, lol. Played games with the students as well. Was fun. Pictures: ![]() Jonny's group with Tong Hua. ![]() Charmaine's group with Peace By The River. ![]() Weikai the Dancing Queen. LOL. ![]() The thai students love the camera. ![]() Super cute girl. ![]() My buddy, Tutu. ![]() Another cute girl. ![]() See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil. ![]() ![]() Haha, thousand-hand Buddha. After leaving Samsen, went to the Grand Palace and the temple of the Emerald Buddha. The Palace was like huge and really classic. But didn't get to stay very long and took a few pictures is all. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Me, Jojo, Angel. ![]() Jin and I. ![]() ![]() ![]() Jin, Wenyi and Mr Bryan Tan. Classic shot. ![]() Yeah, ask me where was I looking. ![]() This is cool. Okay, next and last stop of the day is MBK shopping mall. The place is just like 6 times of Bugis street packed in an air-conditioned shopping complex. My money depleted like crazy and just bought alot of stuff. Don't worry, if you're nice to me you'll get a share (: Was happy (: Then did a mass debrief in the hotel at night then slept earlier than lights out because was shagged from all that shopping. ![]() Daniel being pinned down by the hand puppet bear that Sylvia bought for me ._. Unglam! ---- 0506 - Thursday Thailand [Bangkok] // Singapore Last day! Okay I'm like getting abit bored from recounting. It's the same old thing anyway. So shall just post photos and some captions. ![]() Their supposed Bunsen burner during chem lesson. This will never happen in RV ._. ![]() Me, Tutu and Kel. ![]() Chernyi, Yuhui, me and that cute couple. Haha. STEP camp 2006 Reunion ![]() Beam and Josephine. ![]() Me and Yui. ![]() Yui, Beam, Jo, me and Wan. Okay done. After that was nothing much already. Lagging around in the airport and flew back to Singapore. Miss this place ALOT. Wheee (: So yep, I'm done! |
Profile ![]() Sinyee. 17. Headstrong Wants a day of extensive retail therapy, good food and fun. Tagboard @astep-ahead.blogspot.com (: others 2Complicated '06 <33. Hapsburg! RVFBT! RVTT. Ariel. Ayesha. Beishan. ChenTao. ChingXin. Chiouyih. Eileen. Irene. Jaslin. Jasmine. Jennings. Junhao. Kailin. Matthias. Michelle. Mingjie. Pei Qi. Peishi. Rachel. Sara. Sharman. Shaun. Sherry. Shiyuan. Sinyee. Sylvia. TayLin. Tzeteng. Weikai. Winnie. Xinyu. Yanjie. Yeejin. YingYing. Yuhong. Yunrou. Yunyi. Zhijun. Blogskins. Imageshack. Imeem. Mixpod. Photobucket. Archives Credits Layout : Janani. Inspiration : Daphne. Icon : black-balloonxx. Lyrics : The Climb. |